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Everything posted by KU_Bassmaster.

  1. I think you will find that all trolling motors today, relatively speaking, are great in grass and weeds. It will just come down to whether you're a Motor Guide or Minnkota guy. i personally have a Minnkota 12V, 55 lbs Thrust troliing motor that is going on 10 years old and I have not had one problem with it. So if my trolling motor that is 10 years old has NO problems in the grass and weeds, the new ones can only be better. I believe they also make two different types of props for TM's .... a speed and a weedless one. I just have the generic Minnkota weedless prop and it does great.
  2. This might be a completely stupid question coming from a guy who knows nothing about Gators ...... But doesn't the water you fish have gators?? Wouldn't you be a little worried with a boat like that with your feet dangling in the water??
  3. With a spinnerbait ;D :-? : Last year I was throwing a Bomber Square A along some docks and the front hook got tangled with my line. So when I reeled it in, it did the twirly thing on top of the water and I had a small bass hammer it. It dawned on me that this is what must have happened to whoever invented the Helicopter lure.
  4. Lone Star - 6-24-06 Man .... I was getting the shakes. It had been a whole two weeks almost since the last time I had been out in the boat. Great day out at Lone Star. This was my first trip up there since school has been out. I put in around 5:00 am and the water temp was 79. It quickly rose above 80 and was around 82 when I left around noon. I started off the morning throwing a Sammy and man were they wanting that thing. I had the most sucess with that throwing it over main lake points. Soon as the sun came up I picked up a senko and started pitching around grass around boat docks. They didn't seem to interested in that. By 8:00 there was quite a few boats on the water all hammering the bank so I decided to go find some deeper water. Good Move. I picked up a Zoom Trick Worm on a Spot Remover jig head and was casting into 10-15 ft of water on the outside of the grass line and around main lake points. I got hung up on a brush pile I "found" in about 18 ft of water and broke off. When I was directly over the brush pile I noticed that my depth finder showed fish on the outside edges of the pile. I decided to tie on a drop shot rig and started catching them real good off 3 brush piles I know about. I also caught the BIGGEST three pound bass I have ever caught. Sounds wierd .... ... the whole story is in the Outings Section under the Members Challenge Results with a pic, ;D
  5. If it's a bow mount trolling motor ... yes. If it's a transom mount ..... no. I have a very similar boat and one thing to consider though is bad weather situations. I know when I get stuck on the lake in heavy wind (meaning the lake is capping and I am probably trying to get back to the ramp) I am glad mine is mounted on the transom. If it was on the bow, the front of the boat would stay down and take on quite a bit of water. Just something to consider. In perfect conditions though, I think you would like the bow mount better.
  6. Until the fish stop biting ;) My normal morning schedule is ... on the water by 5:00, usually off noon or so...... but if the fish are biting I'll stay longer, much longer If I go night fishing, On the water by 1:30 am off by 9:00
  7. 15 is fine 20 is uncomfortable 25 I am off the lake
  8. Yep ....... no takers as of yet. Not giving up though.
  9. Well there is always the Jon boat option and decking it out like the infamous LBH boat. I did that, but I have been fishing more out of my old boat this year ....... old faithful.
  10. Very Nice!!!!!
  11. Make sure you reel down so that your rod is pointing at your bait before setting the hook. Also you say you are having particular problems with the jig. Make sure you trim the weed guard so that the guard does not extend past the point of the hook.
  12. I found a few around the boat ramp the other day at one of my lakes. They were a dark green on top, light green on the sides, and had orange/red coloring on the tip of the pinchers.
  13. What else is there??? ;D
  14. I'm with Skwerl on this one. The spinnerbait. Hate it and have no confidence in it what so ever .... and it's not for a lack of trying. I can count on one hand how many bass I have caught on a spinnerbait.
  15. Well #1 is to have fun ......... mission accomplished 99.9% of the time After that I am always trying to learn something new about the lake I am fishing. I think knowing your lake and catching bass go hand and hand.
  16. It's not "mine", but it's what I use: 2005 Trailblazer with the V8. Can't tell my boat is back there either ........ but I also am either towing a 14 ft Jon or a 2 man bass boat. ;D
  17. Good luck!!!!! We will be awaiting the results.
  18. Food for thought ..... ;D. I would say it probably would take more enrgy to digest that chesseburger vs. one jelly bean ........ but consider how much energy you would use to chase down the amount of jelly beans to equal that one cheeseburger. The biggest factor to consider is that big bass are LAZY (yes that's right, all caps). They want to get the most out of each meal for the least amount of work/energy.
  19. No I meant courteous. Come to think about .... when I heard about this, it had to do with non-boaters backing in boaters trailers/boats at tourneys. I could see how baoters make get upset if non-boaters back their trailers in and short out their lights. But then again, I would also think it's the boaters responsiblity to unplug them before he gets in the boat if that bothers him.
  20. I kind of look at it this way ..... suppose you are a big fat old LAZY bass. You want to use the least amount of energy for the most amount of food. Are you more likely to use energy to get a jelly bean or a big fat double cheeseburger?
  21. I've heard people doing this too, to be ........... courteous?? I am like Ben and have never disconnected my lights either. Maybe I am overlooking something. Can someone please explain.
  22. Over a period of time, a big bait will CONSISTANTLY catch bigger bass than a smaller bait. That's not to say that a beetle spin won't catch a big bass every now and then. I am a firm believer in the big baits = big bass theory. I would say if your dead set on catching that double digit bass and don't mind catching a few less bass (remember fishing for big bass is a mind set) double the size of your baits you normally use. You mentioned jigs and plastics. Go out and get some 1/2 oz+ Jigs with some nice chunky trailers and some 10" worms.
  23. Ahhhhhh husker ........ a location would be nice. ;D ;D I assume Kill Creek. That 3 lber is a GODD quality fish out there. I've only seen maybe one bigger and that one being the unofficial lake record and the very first fish I ever caught out there .... just shy of 6 lbs. I noticed when I was out there earlier this week that the average size fish seemed to be getting closer to 2 lbs. I mean we only caught a couple of those fish where you wonder how the heck that tiny bass even got that lure in it's mouth. Unlike the past years when it seemed like every other fish was that way. Give that lake another 2 or 3 years and she should be putting out some nice quality bass. I just hope not too many people find out about it.
  24. That's a good way of putting it.
  25. 6/8/06 - Kill Creek It was a sore thumb day ........ actually two thumbs. We put in around 6:00 and took out around 11:00 (only because of a stupid dentist appointment >). Water temp ranged from 77 to 80. I started the morning off throwing a chartreuse shad Sammy. Caught one on my very first cast. This is usually a sign of bad things to come, but not today. I worked the Sammy on the north side of the lake, near the swimming beach, around all the grass mats. Went to the south side of the lake and caught a few there was well on it. My buddy started out with a Pop-R, but was unsuccessful with that. I think they wanted a faster moving bait. When the sun peaked up, I hit up the "leafy" grass on the south side of the lake near the grassy area where the bike trail ends. I threw a black Horny Toad and caught quite a few buzzing it over the top of the grass. My buddy threw a senko around that area, but had no takers. After I got done fishing the leafy grass thoroughly, I switched up to a wacky-rigged senko and my buddy switched up to a T-rigged power worm (motor oil) with a 1/16 oz bullet sinker. We fished it on the outside edge of the tree line on the south side. He absolutely started tearing them up with the power worm, while I was only having a few hits with the wacky-rigged senko. By the time we reached the grassy area on the south side again, I switched up to a YUM Wooly Hawg Tail on a Spot Remover jig head. I was still catching a few while my buddy continued to tear them up on the power worm. So ended up switching to a Zoom finesse worm (watermelon w/ red flakes) on the Spot remover and I started tearing them up as well. We continued fishing these set ups until we left. We were fishing them on the outside edges of the deeper grass mats (10-12 ft) on mainly the north side of the lake between the swimming beach and dam, but also in the very SW corner of the lake. I am pretty sure we could have caught bass all day long doing this. Some Key Points: About 9 am the sun came out pretty good and I looked down and I could see a log that was in 13 ft of water. This was the clearest I had ever seen this lake. That prompted me to pick up my spinning reel with 6 lbs test and started making longer casts. I think that was key. It could also explain why the preferred my quicker moving Sammy opposed to my buddy's slower moving Pop-R. So we caught huge numbers, probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 or so between the two of us. We caught several over 2 lbs, but maybe only a few that would have pushed three pounds. It was a great day and good for the ego as well. ;D Kind of makes you feel like those bass aren't so tricky after all ........ until tomorrow
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