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Everything posted by KU_Bassmaster.

  1. This is a question I have been asking myself the past few weeks or so and I can't come up with a conclusion. On one hand I think it would be cool to make your mark on the record books, plus it would be GREAT to de-throne my high school Biology teacher who holds the Kansas record for Largemouth. : But ......... That fish is sure to get some publicity and the lake you caught the bass out of will surely have fishing pressure sky rocket .... possibly ruining your favorite place to fish. A double-edged sword. :-/
  2. This is going to be great. MR. GYCB himself. One thing though ....... I believe you only throw 6" Senkos ...... Right?? Me too (6 or 7 inch Dingers). The only time I throw 5" Senkos are when wacky rigging. So I might suggest going to pick yourself up some Dingers in 6 or 7 inch vareity. That's where it seems to be a little more difficult to get some with the smaller on-line companies. Another thing you will find with the knockoffs is they don't fly off your hook like the GYCB Senkos (VERY frustrating). At one of my lakes, the bass are gorging themselves with some big shad right now. Lots of the fish I am catching have tails sticking out of their throats, so I have been throwing a lot of the GYCB Senko (7" in the 239 color) that I bought in the bargain bin at Cabela's last year for about $2 a pack. Lots of them end up flying off the hook during a cast. I have NEVER had that happen with a Dinger or any other knockoff.
  3. No. Read the last line of the article
  4. If you are not having fun fishing, then by all means take a break. Fishing shouldn't be something you have to struggle to get up and do.
  5. I agree that fishing in the cold weather sucks WAY more than the extreme heat .... that is on us physically and mentally. But fishing, well actually catching, is about the same if not a tad easier in the winter IMO. That is if you can find them. They will be less scattered than they will be in the summertime. Summertime they can be shallow and deep and everything in between. Winter time it's pretty easy ..... they are deep. But many of us, myself included, can't stand the cold and don't have the paitence to locate them. I could spend darn near all day trying to locate fish in the heat of the summer ...... just did it last week with temps approaching 100. Put temps in the 30's and my fishing trips are pretty short. The cold conditions are way tougher on us than it is the fishing is what I am trying to get at. If they only made baots with heaters. :-? ...... safe ones
  6. Here ya go ..... http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/pod/standard-pod-wrapped.jsp?rid=&indexId=cat20344&navAction=push&navCount=3&cmCat=MainCatcat20166&parentType=index&parentId=cat20344&id=0031286
  7. Way to get the important stuff in there. ;D If the boatmonkey, the bait monkey's evil cousin, had anything to say about it you better make room for at least a 22 ft. boat. ;D
  8. Got that here too as I type. Highs for the next 5 days are near are at 100 with disgusting humidity and heat indexes over 110. Yep .... I am going to be a hermit this week.
  9. Exactly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's all your head. That being said .... it SUCKS to be out there in the cold. I can spend all day out in 100 degree heat. It would suck, but I can put up with it. Put me out on a lake in the 30's ....... the trip won't last long.
  10. Awesome video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I saw the Bigmouth movies, they changed the way I fished soft plastics for the rest of my life. I honestly think by watching those movies, you will catch more bass on soft plastics. It's incredible how they can work their way around those hooks ........ sometimes 8-)
  11. Last I checked that wasn't in the US. ;D ;D ;D The word "best" is a pretty broad term. Best numbers, size, largemouth, smallmouth, or spots, time of year should also be a consideration .... etc. Kind of see what I am getting at. Maybe a little more info on your preferences could help us out a bit.
  12. Kansas Missouri Arkansas Oklahoma Texas Florida Nebraska or South Dakota (it was right on the line)
  13. Well my T-Shirt is both lucky and unlucky. We won't blame the unlucky part on the T-Shirt though : ;D. Last week I probably had one of my best days of overall fishing ever (5 bass limit) ........ 4 over 4 lbs, 1 or 5 lbs, numerous in the 2 to 4 lbs range, and one that got off right at the boat that was HUGE ........ all caught on video camera. All while wearing my new BR shirt for just the second time. That was the lucky part. The unlucky part ..... the camera is sitting at the bottom of the lake. :'( :'( :'( :'(
  14. Yes I have heard of that. It's actually known as Keith Sebelius Reservoir now. The dam is still called Norton Dam. At least that's what I garthered on a quick google search. Never fished it though.
  15. Congrats man!!!!!!! I am still eagerly awaiting the day I purchase my first real bass boat .... hopefully less than a year. That is a sweet looking rig too. I am a sucker for baby blue w/ a darker royal blue.
  16. Yes, I have never heard of it. Do you know where it's located??
  17. 3 lakes .... Lake Fork in TX and Truman Lake in MO are probably the only two that people know nationally. (3 ponds : ;D)
  18. A shade under 24 just a week or so ago. I also had one get off right at the boat. It would have at least added another 3 lbs to the total.
  19. Toss up between the Amazon and El Salto. If someone came to me today and offered me a trip to either ... I would have to flip a coin.
  20. I've thought about the battery box, but have never got one. Right now I have an Everlast (?) I got from Advance Auto. So far I think it's the best battery I have had. I had previously been using whatever Wal-Mart carries ... Auto Craft (?). If my new battery is fully charged and there is not a ton of wind, I could probably push sunrise to sunset and that's my only means of propulsion. I've also learned that battery maitence is key. Now every time I get off the water I put it on the charger. I guess it's pretty bad for a battery to sit not fully charged and I have noticed a great increase in the length of time I can stay out since I have been doing this. I had a battery leakage issues in the back of my dad's brand new Trailblazer so I could see where it would be a concern. It completely ate through the trunk area all the way up to the driver's seat carpet. :-/
  21. They hibernated and went underground ..... ;D ;D j/k of course Amount the month before the lake was completely drained, they were allowing people to keep fish of anysize and allowed catching them by any means. I'm sure they will will restock it when some water returns. So it's going to be a while until there are some good fish in there.
  22. Haven't you read these horror stories about water mocassins dropping out of trees into boats? Watch those overhanging branches!!! I guess I just better stay home ;D ;D ;D
  23. I'll take fishing any way I can get it, but ......... there is one thing on the shore that I don't like ...... SNAKES!!!!! As soon as I see the first snake of the year, my bank fishing for the year is over. One thing I like to do during the spawn though is ... locate some bass on a bed in the boat. Place a marker bouy about 3 ft away from the bed, then beach the boat and fish at the bed from shore. Kind of cheating I guess. : ;D
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