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Everything posted by KU_Bassmaster.

  1. I caught two last year and one this year. Raul mentioned same panties ..... caught a pair of those this year too. All caught on DD22's
  2. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never seen a pic like that befoe, but have heard stories. That's all I needed. That pic just brings home the point.
  3. There is no reason why you can't. Is it the most ideal situation ....no. Remember ... if there is a will, there is a way. I am in the same "boat" as you. H.C. T/M on the rear. What I do is get my boat going WITH the wind, and then cast back behind the boat so you are bringing your bait back with the wind. Then make your next cast and while the bait is in the air, make your minor corrections with the t/m. Again this goes against everything you read about boat positioning, but it gets the job done. Your bait is still being presented in a proper fashion. I have found this most effective with crankbaits and C-rigging. I have never tried this with a spinner bait (mainly because I don't ever use them), but I don't see why it wouldn't work. It could work with a few topwaters such as Sammy type baits where your bait is almost always moving. It might not be the best method for jerkbaits though.
  4. That's OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!!
  5. Hmmmmm, I missed that somehow. Good luck man!!!
  6. There was this on Easter Sunday of this year The reciever completely broke loose on a bust highway while going 70 mph in the left lane and there was no shoulder on the left so I had to switch 2 lanes to the right. I am still amazed that everything turned out OK with this.
  7. Both are AWESOME stores. For some reason I like BPS a tad more. It might be because I don't have one that near me ........ yet. And you always want what you don't have. I have a Cabela's about 15 miles from my house and in a few months I will have a BPS about 10. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO???? ;D :
  8. I look it as it's not so much the pain, but the pressure you put on the fish. Kind of like if somebody grabbed your wrist and started to try to drag you around. That doesn't necessarily hurt, but wouldn't you fight back the other way?? Jig fishing especially comes to mind with this. Sometimes a bass will pick up your jig .... take a bite ... get hooked ..... and not fight until you start putting some pressure on it. I don't feel real strongly about this subject one way or another, but that's how I look at things.
  9. 11' Patriot Sport Minkota 55 Weedless prop Normal Fishing load ............... I would say a good 3 to 4 mph ;D ;D ;D
  10. d**n Raul ..... I couldn't even sneak in here before you. Just a little ol' .... 10 lbs 8 oz.'er
  11. I haven't personally .... but I have heard they are JUNK!!!!!
  12. Well that charm has already been on one hell of a journey ........ coast to coast. Pretty cool!!!!!!!
  13. I'm with you guys as well. I am 100% C&R and although it does break my heart to see a fish like that killed ....... He did nothing illegal. So what can you really say???? All you can really do is bite your lip and maybe inform of the benefits of C&R (especially a fish like that). Since he did nothing illegal, that's all you can really say.
  14. OK .................... How 'bout them Royals???!!!!!! : ;D Boy am I glad football season is just around the corner.
  15. I usually get skunked at once a year and it's normally in early spring.
  16. It's at the bottom of the of the lake :-? : :-X :-/ ;D I am heading out this weekend. Hopefully I can get some footage to you.
  17. That being said ............... I have read a couple of articles and my experience has supported what I have read. Bass can see MUCH better than we can in the dark, but it takes their eyes quite a bit longer to adjust. When a bass feels insecure about its surroundings it will hug tight to cover. So around sunset the bite will tend to die off. I have found that around 1 am to 3 am to be PRIME TIME and 3 to sunrise to be good. This theory also might explain the mid-day bite. Their eyes might take that long to fully adjust to the light. :-/
  18. There are many sites out there that are area specific. Before I went on a fishing trip last year I posed a question here about some Lake Fork info. The site was still fairly young (not as many members as now) and I didn't get much of a response mainly because nobody was from that area. Somebody did give me a link to another Texas forum that helped me out big time though. They narrowed down my place to stay, places to eat, place to rent a boat, what to expect, etc. You did however had to put up with a lot of "junk" they you don't have to put up with here, but there were some genuinely nice people that helped me out. But now we have Matt_Fly here for all your Lake Fork info. He all but opened up his Lake Fork Bible for LBH, Hawg_hunter and gang. So yes there are probably some other sites out there that might be better suited to ask specific questions about certain areas or lakes. But as a general fishing forum, there is no place like home. There are sooooooooooooooooooooo many great people here that are willing to share their knowledge and pass it on.
  19. I like Davy Hite. He has a silent confidence yet you can still tell he LOVES what he is doing. Meaning he is not afraid to get excited about catching a big bass.
  20. No need to show me that list Reel_Mech. I have a note card with all the records with me at all times while fishing ........ just in case. Like I said also, it really chaps my butt that my high school Biology teacher holds the KS record largemouth. What's even worse is that he was crappie fishing. >
  21. Maybe ;D ;D Like I said, this is something I have been thinking about quite a bit these past few weeks. I go back and forth and can't really give a set in stone answer. :-/ But like you said, things might be a whole lot different when/if you are actually holding a state record fish in your hand. And senko77 ..... I hope you would.
  22. I guess I am a bit suprised at these numbers. I thought "yes" would be the majority, but not by this overwhelming amount. I still don't know what I would do, but slightly lean towards "no". Of course it's easy to say that right now. I guess it would be different in everybody's situation. There are a couple reasons I lean towards no. First, most of the bodies of water I fish on a regular basis are less than 1000 acres and the majority of them are under 300. They have just about all the fishing pressure they can handle right now as it is. If I fished HUGE bodies of water like CJ mentioned I might be more apt to go through with getting it certified. Next, bass fishing here in Kansas is just not the big of deal like it is in the southern states like Matt mentioned. You would probably get a small article in the paper and maybe a small clip on the news and that's probably about it. I don't really think their would be much of a monetary gain. If I lived somewhere where that might be a possiblity, it could probably change my mind. And yes, if it was a WR of anykind I would submit it.
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