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Everything posted by KU_Bassmaster.

  1. I think the most important thing (got this from my trainer for my dog) is to only say the command once and then MAKE them do it. If you just start repeating come over and over and over again ..... everythinh you say becomes blah, blah, blah, blah. I would got back to the basics on a long leash. Do sit/lay down/stays with your 25 ft leash. Start off at short distances and then move to long distances, and then move to non-visual stay/comes (go to another room in the house or around the house outside). If the dog doesn't do it right, place them back where they should have been and do it over.
  2. Looks like a new PB to me. ;D
  3. Lew-er
  4. Very true. Last year was the first year I have ever had my reels cleaned and lubed (by ReelMech), and man what a difference.
  5. Cute bed Raul. ;D
  6. Water and sleep. Over the past couple years I have become a firm believer in drinking 2 or 3 bottles of water before you go to bed. It really minimizes hang overs.
  7. OK .... you asked for it http://www.sunline.co.jp/ ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  8. Are you kidding me .... I dragged it behind the boat for the last hour or so I was out there.
  9. I just have an OLD 2 MP Hewlett Packard camera my grandpa gave me. I think it was one of the first digital cameras, and I think my grandpa said he paid around $500 for it back in the day ;D. It's a great camera just to have in the tackle bag and I don't have to worry about being too careful with it. If it get's wet and ruined .... no big deal. The only bad part is when you want a picture of something like this, it probably doesn't take the best pictures. I hope to upgrade and get a nice camera by the first of the year. If you want, you can PM me your email and I'll send you the original.
  10. Nope .... sorry. Didn't put that one on the scale. She had to be all of 10 ........... grams.
  11. LOL ...... point and click ........ Yeah I've got skills. ;D
  12. I took this pic yesterday while out fishing. This picture doesn't even do it justice. Hands down the prettiest sunset I have ever seen. Every night a local news station uses a pic that a viewer sent in to display that day's weather specs. Mine is being considered for this week. http://www.thekansascitychannel.com/weather/9930349/detail.html?qs=1;s=1;p=weather&dm=ig&tn=b Ohhhhhhh ...... the fishing ............ not so hot. All I caught was bait.
  13. That's the bad thing about Cabela's and BPS coming to your area ...... Those types of places are long gone.
  14. I am technically voting because I feel pretty strongly about one issue and I am going to vote against a candidate I have met before. So I am punching two votes out a total of 30 or so. And I agree with huskertko ..... Those Talent/McCaskill commercials have been ridiculous. Seems like neither of them deserve to win ..... maybe jail.
  15. Also want to bring up this: Watch how LBH reels up his slack line as he dropping the rod before the hook set. If you just drop your rod and set .... you are really aren't packing much of a punch.
  16. That's something I ALWAYS ask myself when buying something. When you start putting that $50 in perspective .... it's really nothing when you think about how many times and how many years you will use that reel. I just got my Scorpion 1000 Mg in the mail no longer than an hour ago. I've played around with the 50 Mg at Cabelas and always thought it was one SWEEEEETTTTT reel, but it's nothing compared to the feeling you have when you actually own one. I haven't even fished with it yet, but I have pretty much made up my mind that I will probably convert all my reels to the 50 Mg over the next few years. I'm sticking with the domestic only so I can send them into ReelMech for service and cleaning. The only down side I see with the MG is you have to be a little more careful with it because of the finish.
  17. In Windows Media Player ........ Go into "Tools" and then "Options" ....... then click on the "performance" tab. Make sure the video acceleration is all the way to full. Seems like that has happened to me a few times.
  18. I think that baby has been hitting the bottle. Kind has that raspy smokers laugh too like he smokes a pack a day. ;D ;D Pretty funny.
  19. I LOVE braid, but no way would I put it on all my reels. I have it on one set up. I use that for C-rigging, topwater frogs, fishing in the THICK THICK THICK stuff, and bed fishing. I don't have the confidence to fish it exclusively. Notice these are just my opinions. Other people swear by braid and use it for everything. They have confidence in it for everything ..... I don't. Confidence in your presentation means a lot.
  20. That's incredible man!!!!! Can't beat that price either. A little elbow grease here and there and that will be a fine fishing machine.
  21. I'm not nor was I, but one of my best friends was. The hell you guys go through.... just don't get it, but whatever. All I really remember him doing was REALLY watching his salt intake.
  22. Raul... Any reasons why NO TAPE???
  23. That's what i was going to suggest.
  24. I was digging through some of my photos and I could swear I caught one like that last year. I remember taking a pic of it because I thought it was odd. Kind of with an oval mean looking eye.
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