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Everything posted by KU_Bassmaster.

  1. Hmmmmm ..... That intially crossed my mind and thought maybe it centered on your region, but the friend that brought it to my attention lives in Florida now. Kieth is from Florida as well.
  2. I am not real sure, but it's probably in-store only.
  3. Oh I am well aware. ;D I went out there today and they hardly had any Legend Tournaments and none the model I want.
  4. Avid hasn't replied yet. I hope he's not getting shy/embarrassed on us.
  5. There ya go. Thanks again. There was also something wierd with the email. Like it wasn't the one listed on the website or rod or something like that. The one you provided was the right one. I was doing some digging and couldn't find it. :-?
  6. I had a similar experience last year. My issue was eventually resolved, it just took some time. I had the insert of my tip top guide fall out of my TAS. I called the customer service number and explained that I wanted a tip top guide sent to me and I would replace it myself. The response I got from the idiot on the other line was send it in. Then I tried to explain to him that all I needed was the tip top guide and I didn't want to pay the $20+ to ship it plus the $30 bench fee (or whatever it is) for the part the can't cost more than a couple dollars. Still he insisted I send it in. I got sick of dealing with so I hung up and called again to try to get somebody else. Same guy. Hung up called back a few hours later .... still him. This time I disguised my voice and still got the send it in response. I posted my experience on here and somebody on here (don't remember who) gave me an email address of competent lady. She took care of it. Sometimes it takes a little trying, but usually you can get a hold of the right person who will take care of you. I will try to find that old post and that email addy.
  7. I have the same kind of boat as you. I posed a similar question last year. I got sick of the horrible portable I used to have and after many recommendations I opted for the Eagle Fishmark 320. I have been extremely pleased with it.
  8. Yes, very sad news. I think people outside of the KC area don't know just how much he is resposible for the way the NFL is today. If it wasn't for him, the NFL could look muck like the MLB of today. It's a great loss. I was around him one time during an interview on the news and it was hard to believe that this little soft spoken man was such a big influence in the NFL. I have a feeling he was one of those guys who didn't say much, but when he did everybody listened and what he said carried a lot of weight. A strong silent type.
  9. By themselves ...... on a jig head They are my personal favorites to use as trailers on jigs.
  10. That's what I was hoping for too, but I guess we'll have to take what we get. 10ft is starting to scratch the surface though.
  11. Shallow to Med divers - M power Deep divers - MH I have been using M power rod for the past 3 years, but the last year and a half I have really started getting into deep cranking. IMO the crankbait rod I have doesn't have enough backbone to cast bigger cranks. I will be adding a MH crankn' rod when I have some extra money. For all around though you can get away with a M power rod though.
  12. you had moves like this, you might have a chance. Avid's hips don't lie. http://www.elfyourself.com/?userid=65d8bc703b53cd514d5bf22G06121318 Sorry I had to pick on you avid, but you had the most rescent pic in the outings section and I know you will get a good laugh.
  13. Shhhhhhhh. Keep L.S. on the D.L. ;D Sorry Kieth I didn't see your question earlier, but what Got Bass said is right on. Bass are few and far between in those two big lakes.
  14. I made an error. That last one is suppose to be TBC68MXF. Fixed now. Thanks
  15. I should also add that this rod will mainly be used for weightless soft plastics and spot removers.
  16. No need to fear these aliens though. They were sent here on a mission ....... To seek and destroy all that is evil. First stop ......... Columbia, MO.
  17. As some of you may know I am anti-spinning so I am assembling a true finesse bait casting set up this off season. I already have the reel, a Shimano Scorpion Mg 1000, and now I have $30 worth of Cabela's credit plus some Xmas $$$ from my grandparents to get the rod for it. My question has to deal with a few things: 1) Do all Avids have the power hump? - Specifically the AC68MXF, AC69MLXF, or AC70MF - If so they are out completely 2) Is the Legend Tournament line significantly better than the Avid line? - I am leaning Legend Tourament 3) And finally ML vs. M? I've heard that St. Croix rods are generally a bit stronger than other brands. That being said, I hate the feeling of an underpowered rod and will occasionally need to be able to turn a bass headed for cover. Right now my short list includes: AC68MXF AC69MLXF AC70MF TBC69MLXF TBC68MXF I seem to be leaning towards the last two. Thanks
  18. The monkey has been working overtime on you here lately. ;D
  19. Are you ready for 100 different answers???? ;D Everybody has there favorite. That being said, a good quality SHARP hook is probably more important in a jig than any other bait. My personal all around favorite is a 1/2 oz Booyah Boo jig (color #17 - watermelon pumpkin) with some sort of green hula grub trailer. This jig has a descent hook, but the main reason is the color. It just works in the waters I fish.
  20. One of my buddies just brought this to my attention ...... If you open Google Earth and let it settle on the USA. Meaning let it do all it's adjusting until it's not adjusting anymore. Then from that point zoom in all the way ...... It zooms in on the apartment building I lived in the last two years up at school. What are the odds of that????
  21. I did a similar experiment as 5BL. My hook up ratio wasn't bad with EWG, but I started reading the straight shank hook was the way to go when possible. My results were good, but really not significantly better. However, I will start using straight shank hooks whenever possible.
  22. I agree with the slack line. IMO that's the single most effective thing to a good hook set. You can swing for the fences, but if you have slack line it's not going to do much.
  23. ooooooooooooooo ...... my DT10's now have competition
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