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Everything posted by KU_Bassmaster.

  1. Look up this topic on Youtube. At least a couple times a year I get lost in watching videos like this over and over. Love them.
  2. If it's even a question then yes.
  3. That's exactly why I give people the benefit of the doubt, but this guy is claiming this bass is a few ounces shy of a new state record .... and it was posted in the paper
  4. I usually give people the benefit of the doubt when they post pics with weights, but unless he is 7ft tall I would say that is lucky to be a 6 and probably closer to 5 .... and the more and more I look at it I am thinking under 5. What really bothers me the most is that this was published in the paper. It's one thing if this guy comes on an internet message board such as this and says "Hey look at this 11 1/2 lbs bass I caught". I think the majority of us would know this guy is full of it. But this was posted in major city paper, by an Outdoor editor whom I would hope would know that is not an 11 lbs + bass and a few ounces shy of a state record!!!!!!
  5. Anybody else see this in the Star this morning? http://www.kansascity.com/2012/04/26/3578946/outdoors-digest.html 11 1/2 lbs? Ridiculous. And published with a pic in the paper. And then to read that it was a "pet" at the marina and he kept it.
  6. Here's mine: Graphics on my boat And my registration letters I had made ...
  7. I've been told Bounce sheets. I will be trying that. Had a mouse IN my boat this winter in storage.
  8. In the boat except for winter storage.
  9. Glass. My lids are aluminum though. Would me laying on the aluminum lid matter? I went back out an disconnected the battery with no problem. Admittedly very freaked out.
  10. Let me preface this by saying I am an electrical idiot and hooking up my boat batteries is about as advanced as I get.... So I went to pick up my boat from storage today. It has been sitting since December with fully charged batteries before I put it up for the year. Not sure if that matters, but now ya know. I needed to disconnect my batteries to clean my bilge area and install my new charger. When I went to disconnect my first trolling motor battery the negative terminal wires came off fine. This battery had the jumper cable connected to the negative post for the series of my two trolling motor batteries. When I went to disconnect the positive terminal .... POOF. Big spark. Like a nice firework inside my bilge area. About 1 foot by 1 foot. I am wanting to know if any of you can see why this happened. I dont want it to happen again as underwear is expensive. A couple other things that I am not sure matters or not. I was using a socket wrench. I loosely put the the nut back on the negative terminal before I started removing the positive one. Also want to know if this could have damaged the battery? Thanks
  11. I just looked up the Kansas boating laws and a Type V must be worn at all times.
  12. I think it actually goes by the "Type". I can't remember which "Type" is which, but you are correct in that one of them has to be worn to be considered a life vest. Inflatables also come in the "Type" that is treated like your regular vest.
  13. For a majority of college students out there ... College is one the biggest scams out there. 2008 College Grad
  14. Those people abandoning ship ..... hahahahahahah!!! Got a good laugh at that. And that guy cleaning off the wrong car hits home. I work across the street from a hotel that I assume gets a lot of people from out of town on business often with rental cars. Rental cars must not provide ice scrapers or brushes. We have bad winters the past couple years. I have really enjoyed seeing others misery and seeing what way they find to clean off their car. Call me crazy, but if it's going to be winter .... it might as well snow.
  15. So the bass ARE alive in La Cygne .... and doing quite well by the looks of it.
  16. Either way it would have gone was wrong. I can see both sides of the argument, but I tend to lean towards the OSU side. The pro BCS'ers will say the whole season is a playoff and every game counts ... except for the "Game of the Century". What a crock. Bama basically gets a redo and OSU does not. How is that fair? And the whole "Bama is the only team that can beat LSU ... or Both Bama and LSU would steamroll OSU" is crap. Absolutely no way of knowing. What we do know though, is LSU can beat Bama.
  17. There was or is a movie coming out that kind of goes along these lines. I don't know all the details, but its a world where the form of currency is time. Interesting concept.
  18. What if ... What if ... What if there was a family emergency during the game ... maybe he shouldn't play .... maybe he shouldn't play football at all .... Yes these things are ridiculous, but what if "enter any excuse here". To me if you get into big time athletics at any level you know what you are getting into. A certain level of harassment should be expected. Am I saying that is right .... NO, but it comes with the territory. And for you to think that this is specific LSU fans is ridiculous. I guess Bama fans don't do anything like this?? Come on man. This stuff goes on all over the country.
  19. No dog in this fight, but seriously?? It's a phone call ....
  20. Another Ruger vote here. I love shooting my MK I
  21. Fished Gardner Saturday evening. Only was out for about 2.5 hours before dark. It is not a dead sea!!!! First time I have been out there in at least 5 years. Lake was really struggling the last few times I fished it. Landed 3, but had about 5 or 6 more blow ups. Was fishing a LFT magic shad.
  22. You get a pass. I guess I am guilty of what you pointed out. I have a friend of a friend that I just can not stand (stems deeper than his sports affiliations but he makes it a big part). He was born and raised in KC. He is one of those Duke bball, Nebraska football, Lakers, Cowboys, Cardinals. I guess I generalize my thought of KC Cardinal fans with him. Probably not fair, but it still bothers me when people are born and raised somewhere and they choose non-hometown teams to be a fan of. Totally cool with transplants like yourself though.
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