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Everything posted by KU_Bassmaster.

  1. Would it have made the situation better if they would have bleeped it?? He still said it. It was in the moment. Pure emotion. It was not directed at anyone. No big deal in my book.
  2. Of course they don't. You can't fix perfect.
  3. Kansas Wichita: Before proceeding through the intersection of Douglas and Broadway, a motorist is required to get out of their vehicle and fire three shot gun rounds into the air You guys down in Wichita need to try this one out Lawrence: All cars entering the city limits must first sound their horn to warn the horses of their arrival. Good thing I found this out. I drive there 5 days a week. It is illegal to hunt whales. ;D ;D
  4. BINGO!!!!!!!! My system originally had 1 GB of RAM and I would say it ran Photoshop CS2 alright. Some of the filters took a little longer than I liked so I upgraded to 2 GB. I would say 1 GB is the absolute minimum regardless of what the box says (for CS2 anyway). I have taken 4 Photoshop classes the past couple years and it's a pretty intimidating program at first. Stick with it and you can get the basics down fairly quick and you'll find the layout is actually quite user friendly. Now to master it, that will take years and years. Even my profs that taught the classes said they were not "masters" with the program. It's extensive!!!!! Depending on what you want to do, you might be better off with a lesser program.
  5. Avid School of Fish Photography grad I see. The pose and glasses 8-) are there, but the picture is way too clear ;D ;D FPB - I believe that is a Gar. There is two different kinds that I know of ... Needlenose and Alligator. Google Alligator Gar. They can get HUGE!!!!!!!!! Most consider them a nuisance because they compete for the same food as bass.
  6. Tried buying any Loomis apparel yet?? I am pretty sure that you are going to be disappointed once again.
  7. Donate it to Playboy ;D ;D
  8. You're on!!!!!! Winner gets to pick the other's avatar for a week. Deal?
  9. This is a pretty good website for camera reviews ... http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/read_opinions.asp?prodkey=sony_dscs650
  10. Right about now I bet there is quite a few of us that would take that. Winter is really starting to get old :'(
  11. Get an external hard drive!!!! You'll never be disappointed you did. I learned my lesson once the hard way too. Didn't lose anything too important though.
  12. Looks good to me
  13. I'll add some more when I have some more time, but I just got this in an email a few weeks ago.
  14. Oh yeah that's right ... it's ME that is losing my mind in this cold BS : :)
  15. Not fishing much lately? Right? ;D ;D ;D
  16. Both. But the competition part for me is not against other people. It's me vs me. Me vs the lake.
  17. Definitely THE HUNT
  18. Dad's side of the family is Swedish and Polish Mom's side of the family is Welsh, Italian, and German.
  19. Oh come on!!!!! : Mr. Brooks was a good one.
  20. I couldn't ask for a better dog .... http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y79/dtjo22/?action=view&current=DeuceSwimming.flv
  21. Winter golf gloves have worked best for me. Something similar to these .... http://www.footjoy.com/catalog/mens.asp?c=46 To me they kept your hands fairly comfortable (not warm) and you were still able to use your hands and fingers to fish.
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