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Everything posted by KU_Bassmaster.

  1. I am not gonna lie .... I want a snuggie. My computer room is freakin freezing in the winter. :
  2. Are you sure you have your movies straight? I watched it last night and I was expecting a "Kill Bill" type movie. I thought it was moderately violent at best. I actually thought the story line was descent. It's not going to win any awards, but it was entertaining none the less. And then the biggest disappointment ...... NO BOOBIES!!!!! > :-/ ;D ...... unless of course you were referring to Vin Diesel?!?!?!
  3. What was bad for me was I had a subscription to Netflix so I had one disc coming in every other day or so. That was not good enough. I HAD to go to Blockbuster to rent the next one. Even though that particular disc might have been on it's way from Netflix. :
  4. I watched about half of it earlier tonight. Pretty lame, even for Jack the Magnificent. Oh but the second half is the half that sets up this season .... tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock ....... ;D
  5. Oh man!!! IMO the first 4 seasons were about the most entertaining TV show I had ever watched. My roommate in college was hooked on the show from the beginning so I was somewhat familiar with it, but I never got into it. Over winter break one year I got bored and ran out of things I wanted to rent through Netflix so I decided to rent the first few episodes of the first season. Well that turned into an obsession. It's a good thing I didn't have anything to do that week and a half. I was worthless. I watched the first 4 seasons in about a week and a half. So I would highly recommend catching up, but be warned you could get hooked. Also, it's not really a show you could start watching now because the newer seasons will always reference back to previous seasons. And from the previews, this season will be no different.
  6. I thought the preseason show to set this season up was descent. I am with you and can't say I am too excited about this season, but ya never know. It has always been entertaining in the past.
  7. Well I only have 2 St Louis style places to compare. First is the ma and pa place just down the street. My family has been going there ever since I remember. There sauce is a sweet (can definitely taste the red wine in it) light sauce. Their crust is out of this world. It's very thin but flavorful. They even sell these crust bites things as appetizers, I would compare then to a puffed up crackers but softer. And then the cheese ..... yes if eaten too hot the cheese is pretty runny. It's best to let it cool for a bit, but I think that goes for all pizza. And like I said before, seems like people either love it or hate it. You must not be a fan. Then for Imo's ... I would say comparing the local Imo's to my ma and pa place down the street is like comparing McDonald's to the finest steakhouse in town.
  8. Good to hear. Picked that and Righteous Kill up at the Red Box this morning.
  9. I like a nice crust on the outside and med rare to medium on the inside.
  10. X 2 I used to go to lots of big 12 games when my wife was in College Station, and Sproles was definitely someone to keep an eye on (or two guys). But........what happened to Beasely? LOL b My claim to fame: On the very 1st play of the 7th grade football season (my first ever playing organized football) I stuck him pretty good for about a 5 yard loss. Don't ask what he did the rest of the game . The first play is all that really matters anyway. ;D As he becomes more and more sucessful in the NFL, my legacys just grows and grows. ;D
  11. While that is not a "vertical" ... it's till impressive. There is a pretty cool video of Joey Gathwright out there jumping over cars. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cySfw8f0beg
  12. I am a big fan of St. Louis style pizza (not Imo's either). We have a local mom and pop place that is my personal favorite pizza place. St Louis stlye pizza uses Provel cheese which gives the pizza a taste unlike any other pizza. (seems like you either love it or hate it) Plus this particular place uses high quality toppings bought directly from a local butcher. So I guess I would have to say the cheese.
  13. I have experience with the Gamma Copoly so that's all I can comment on .... It's on every reel I own except for my braid set ups. It's my personal choice for best "all around" line. To me it's meets the fine line between the managibility/toughness. I would say it is very similar to YZ Hybrid maybe being a tad tougher and it doesn't have the "kink" factor that RW mentioned.
  14. Man this is entertaining. ;D ;D RW, I don't think I have ever said this ..... Go Broncos!!! I can't stand Phillip Rivers
  15. My opinion ... Yes you had every right to get mad or upset. I mean crap!! There is beer in one of your most prized possessions!!!! I think anyone with a pulse would have the same reaction. At the same time, it was an accident so you can't really get upset at that person. Especially a "best friend". If he truly was a "best friend" he was probably putting a huge guilt trip on himself. Put yourself in his shoes. How would you feel if you potentially ruined your best friend's guitar? And as everyone else said, you assumed the risk of bringing the guitar to the party. You had to see that there was a chance at this happening. That's on you. I don't know the whole context of the story, but after the incident happened I am picturing the kid from back in the day that got upset and says "I am taking my ball and going home". As Dan said, that probably is what triggered your friend from feeling bad to getting defensive and angry. As for your friend, if he was feeling no remorse for the whole situation (even if it was an accident) ... yeah I would be pretty ticked about that. And his whole guilt trip and wanting to fight you is ridiculous.
  16. I like this guys version. SERIOUSLY!! I personally think the whole thing is great, but when he starts gettn' after it around the 3:00 to 3:45 minute mark ... I just don't know how that is humanly possible.
  17. Without a doubt get a 55 lbs. You will be so happy you did. I have a similar boat in the 10 ft version. You are going to get pushed around in the wind big time.
  18. Well one of my best friends married one of my other best friend's sister. Me personally ... I would stay away from it if this was truly one of my best friends
  19. Last year I received maybe my greatest gift ever .... about 50 pairs of Jockey Boxer Briefs. My grandparents live by a Jockey outlet and they were discontinuing this particular line that I really like. They were selling them off for $1 a pair. My grandparents bought every single one they had. The biggest heaviest package under the tree that year was for me. Full of underwear. Loved it!!!!! Brought a tear to my eye. ;D On a side note my grandpa is really into vest coats. Me ... not so much. He tries to get me one about every other year.
  20. Good Stuff!!! With or without Crown.
  21. Check this out ..... It was 60 degrees this morning. Currently it is 12 with 30 mph winds with a sleet/snow mix.
  22. Congrats!!!! I really admire you "aged" fellas that go back to school. I know that can't be the easiest thing to do.
  23. If you don't mind spending the money I think the Bose in ears are hard to beat. I used to go through in ear headphones like nothing. I would either lose them or mess them up. (Most of them didn't seem to like to be worn at the gym .. sweat). I have had everything from the el cheapos, mid class and now the Bose ones. Had them over a year and a half now and couldn't be happier. They seem to take the abuse at the gym and have been the best sounding by far. Also, since they were fairly expensive I find myself being a lot more careful where I put them. I seem to do that with all the things I spend a bit more money on. I swear that is a spending habit that always seems to save me money in the long run. If I would have just bought the Bose ones first I probably could have bought 2 or 3 pairs of the Bose ones by now. Honorable mentions ... I these pair of Sony's http://www.circuitcity.com/ssm/Sony-EX-earbuds-Black-MDREX36V-BLK/sem/rpsm/oid/222592/catOid/-12938/rpem/ccd/productDetail.do I thought they sounded great for the price, but they did not hold up from the sweat in the gym. Then I had these pair of Sennheiser that are water and sweat resistant. http://www.circuitcity.com/ssm/Sennheiser-MX-70-Sport-Headphones-MX70/sem/rpsm/oid/184251/catOid/-12938/rpem/ccd/productDetail.do Whatever the material the buds are made of is great. They stay in place very well while sweating. The problems I had were they were extremely ugly and I found them to be very uncomfortable. I see now though they have redesigned them so maybe it isn't a problem anymore. Mine actually have two "buds". One was the speaker that actually goes in your ear (no problem) and the other was this tiny circle thing that was designed to be "locked" into your ear. Very uncomfortable and the pad for it always fell off which made it even more uncomfortable.
  24. I feel for you. Just to let you know their are others out there ...... I graduated in May. Had a job lined up with my family business (ran by my grandparents) for about 5 years now. Plan was to graduate and then they would show me the ropes of their business and then they would basically semi-retire. I worked for them this summer and their business was REALLY REALLY down. I kind of saw the writing on the wall and luckily my grandparents were thinking the same thing and decided it was probably best if I found a different job for the time being. So that was September. I have been seeking full time employment since then, but have only worked 3 "contract" jobs. My last one ended last week so I am back on the hunt. It SUCKS!!!! I feel your pain. I guess I am lucky as in a don't have any financial obligations (family, house payment, rent, etc.) I really feel for those people. Good luck and hang in there.
  25. I have the top of the line Cabela's one. So far no complaints after 2 years. I did jump in with it on last summer just to see how it works and if it worked. I was pleased. As others have said some don't classify as a PFD unless it is worn. Don't quote me on this but I think it matters whether it is a Type IV or Type V. And as far as having the auto inflating while wet ... I don't think that is a problem anymore. With mine it has to be submerged for a second or two before it will inflate. I fished with it on this spring in a descent rain shower and had no problems.
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