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About KU_Bassmaster.

  • Birthday 12/31/1982

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Overland Park, Kansas
  • My PB
    Between 10-11 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Fork, TX

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  1. Can anyone recommend someplace around the KC area?
  2. It is a single axle. I should also clarify I need to be able to move it side to side.
  3. Does anybody use GoJak dollies or something similar to maneuver their boat around in their garage? Thoughts? Suggestions? I can get my boat and my truck in my garage, but my boat needs some precision parking and angling I just can't achieve easily backing it in with the truck. These would appear to solve the problem. http://www.awdirect.com/gojak-5000-vehicle-moving-jack-5000/gojaks-and-accessories/
  4. He always has ball in hand. I don't believe it is signed, but I could be wrong. And don't get me wrong, he seems like a nice enough guy and I am sure he is, but he wears on me game after game.
  5. Interesting thoughts. I would say when Hud and Phys were first brought on here there was a lot of negativity towards them. Especially Hud, He was just completely different than what we were used to. Plus it didn't help that he was looked at as the replacement of Frank White who was and always will be a fan favorite. He is a hometown legend and pretty d**n good at being the color commentator that was low key and told it like it was versus Hud who is over the top and in your face. Frank probably called the organization out more than they liked and it cost him his job. I think that is what I appreciated the most. In the last 29 years the Royals have MAYBE put 4 teams on the field worthy of a playoff spot. Most of those other years have been pathetic. Rex on the other hand is all positive all the time. Some people like that. Personally I would rather have Frank back. I remember I made up my mind about Rex when he said something about Billy Butler's speed or lack there of. He said "Billy runs well. He is just not that fast". Interesting way of looking at it. Slowly people are coming around to Hud. Me included. He doesn't bother me as much, but I could do without him. Phys on the other hand, I would like him gone yesterday. His Royal slant is just too much for me too handle. In his eyes they probably should have won 162 games this year. You can definitely tell the organization brought these two guys in to be their puppets. Go Royals!!
  6. I recently got a warning for mine in the driveway a couple weeks ago. It is only in the driveway when I am going often and put into storage when I am not. Been that way for 5 years and now the warning.
  7. Anybody ever used weather stripping to seal your compartments? If so what did you use? I am kind of looking something for a universal fit. I don't see why it wouldn't work, but thought I would get some input. Thanks
  8. Ohhhhh me!! Me!! Me!!! Notice the sore on its tail. April 2006 May 2005
  9. St. Louis. Seems like people either love it or hate it.
  10. I stayed where you stayed this May. I am hoping I can squeeze a fall trip back down there this year.
  11. I have this. Haven't used it though. I am glad this got brought up. I have had it on for 3 years now and I have yet to use it (Good thing), but I need to test it out in the summer months. Just in case I go for a solo swim in cold water.
  12. Lawrence, KS - Henry T's wings are the best meal on the planet
  13. Sweet. I spent lots and lots of time in my childhood in Estes. LOVE it there.
  14. Awesome!!! Is all I can say. One thing I have noticed is I seem to get a lot of short strikes or hooks outside the mouth which leads to more lost fish than I would like. In my very unofficial testing over 2 outings when I got on a pretty good crankbait bite, I think the scatter crank was getting 2x as many strikes as a similar color DT6. Of those strikes though, 100% of the DT6 made it to the boat while only 75% or so made it to the boat on the scatter crank. The scatter crank also produced the 2 biggest bites (by far) and of course neither of them made it to the boat. I really hope they expand this line.
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