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Everything posted by jb_from_texas

  1. way2slow, i sent you a pm
  2. you said: They normall make a machine fit into the housing, the flange just keeps it from working out. Remeber, these are all machined surfaces so get too personal. did you mean to DO GET personal...beat the hell out of it? i can move it back and forth (swivel) and we tried wedging a screwdriver under the tabs with no luck. does the unit need to be under pressure or not under pressure? does that matter?
  3. i have the two bolts that appear to be the only ones holding the trim motor onto the resv. but for some reason the motor will not come up and off the resv housing. any suggestions? 1986 75hp mariner, dual selenoid set up
  4. this is exactly what i was looking for. thanks for the advice and pic
  5. i replaced a minn kota 40 bow mount hand operated with a MG 46 foot operated. i liked both but i love the foot control aspect. i'm not a tourney fishermen (well a few a year) so i didnt want to break the bank on a new TM. For the money you will get more thrust with a MG. both to me are just fine so i would suggest concentrating on the thrust, shaft length, etc, and not the brand. shaft length? i asked the same question and i cant remember the answer now, but i think it was at least 20 inches under water. but dont quote me.
  6. Bout to mount a finder on the TM. Was wondering what others did to manage all the necc slack of transducer wire needed when the TM is up and out of the water. pics would be nice too.
  7. i have to remove or at least loosen and move out of way, the big motor off the transom. this is the only way to get to the trim motor, which needs replacing. I have the shop manual so there are step by step directions but i was wondering if anyone had any words of wisdom, special advice, tips and tricks in this process. Maybe tell me things you ran into when doing it yourself that surprised you, and so on. I'll have all needed tools, motor hoists, etc available as well as a few extremely handy neighbors (airline mechanic, machinist for defense contractor) at my disposale. btw: its a 75 mariner. (where is Ben when you need him?)
  8. Like Cart and the others said, take your time and look around alot. Check out the marinas as well. Most have a place on the wall where people post pictures of boats for sale. I bought the attached last year for exactly 2500, trailer, electronics and all. Everything works and it cruises around 40mph with me alone. It is just under 16 foot and is an 86 model. The seller wanted 3500 but a week later it was in the paper for 3000. we told him we would give him 2500. He took it.
  9. i have a dual solenoid set up. just recently it has starting acting up. it will work for days and then all of the sudden i get nothing. the motor is buzzing but it appears maybe the solenoids are not engaging. my manual states both solenoids have to be working. if just one is not then you're screwed. my on the water work around is to lightly tap the motor with a screw driver. my question is does this sound electrical? and if so what is more than likely the problem? i looked into a new one OEM and they run a grand. a rebuilt one is around 250, plus install.
  10. Bass Turd has been mentioned/used see this thread http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1146509648/4#4
  11. first off, can you adopt me? $25-30k is HUGE. It should get you just about everything you want really. I dont know if the Ranger web site does this but the Skeeter and Triton sites allow you to "build your own boat." you can pick just about everything and truly make it your own. Once you're done you can print it out and take it to a dealer. they can price it for you then. maybe design a "must have" version, then a "really want" version and then a "pimped out to the gills" version and get them priced. But keep in mind these prices wont be good next year, but pretty close i would guess.
  12. ProMariner or the XPS BPS chargers work just fine. They are easy to install and the ProMariner (they also design the BPS chargers) have an excellent warrenty.
  13. i experienced something new to me this weekend and i was hoping you can confirm my guess as to what caused it. Typically i back the trailer into the water to a depth that requires just a slight push from the outboard in order to get the boat up the trailer bunks. We're talking about a foot at most. I do this rather than having the trailer further in the water and the boat floating above the bunks. it helps in getting the boat properly aligned. of course the motor is trimmed up a bit when doing this. But this weekend i launched from a very steep ramp and one i have never used before. when i was preforming the above procedure and giving it a little throttle i noticed the motor start to "trim" down on it's own, rather quickly too. i immediately let up and raised the motor again. tried it again with the same results. I gave up in fear of screwing something up and backed the trailer up a bit further and manully ratcheted the boat by hand while in knee deep water. There were several gators around and this is the same canal (Dead Canal, Lake County) that a kid was killed a few years ago, so i wanted to stay out of the water as much as possible. Was the shallow and steep ramp creating an undertow effect when giving the motor some gas and pulling the it down? Sorry if this is a no brainer, it's just new to me.
  14. yes, thanks Ben. i asked the questions so i would know, if anything, what to look for (other than the motor not expelling water) in between swaps. And also what to look for once you pull the old one out, showing evidence of potential problems down the line.
  15. if your motor is running fine and the water outlet on the motor is expelling the water as it always has/should, can there still be a problem in the assembly? Ben, has there been times you swapped out the impeller for preventative reasons only and realized there was a problem with it, without any symptoms to indicate as such?
  16. I didnt find it offensive or really that funny. BUT, it shows the slippery slope we are on as a society. This commercial doesnt bother some, maybe not most folks, but what is next? I'm not that old but i bet they were having the same conversations about similar things, generations before us/me. Now those "offensive" things then seem quite innocent now. I know, I sound like an old fart, but it really is numbing our kid's morals.
  17. I have a 75HP Mariner can I really gain +/- 8mph with a SS prop? If so i will be buying one when my current one gets beat up. Currently i can get about 40-41mph by myself
  18. i have a freind that has 10 grand to drop on a used boat. i told him i had heard the fast strike engine had issues and that the nitro trailers tended to rust very early. i believe i heard these comments on this forum. i did a search in the forum but couldnt find the info i was looking for. can anyone give me their thoughts on what to look for and what to avoid, be it brand, make, model, motor, etc?
  19. John's Lake, Clermont Florida. It is a 2,424 acre lake. i would say since starting fishing this lake last september i'm beginning to know it well. until the water level dropped i was not able to locate the beds. I can now. of course they are off them now...but next year!!! i fish it at least once a week but have not had a full year so i have not fished the late summer, early fall.
  20. when i was using a hand controlled TM i bought the following handle extension Big Foot® Telescopic Extension Handle http://www.basspro.com/servlet/catalog.TextId?hvarTextId=1208&hvarDept=200&hvarEvent=&hvarClassCode=2&hvarSubCode=4&hvarTarget=browse he worked great. it telescopes and swings up and down. if you have a hand controlled i HIGHLY rec this. i was also using the big foot tm foot switch.
  21. The Legend would work. However, if you can swing it i would suggest stepping up to the Vista for several reasons: 1. more internal memory for map data downloads 2. has an electronic compass. this is important because when you slow down to a certain point or are standing still the only way to get a direction heading is with the compass. The Legend relies on the sats picking you up in order to dispaly an accurate heading. If you are at a stand still or going really slow it cant provide this info. So, when you are approaching a marked waypoint real slowly (like slow trolling) or stopped the Legend will not be able to tell you a direction. Sounds trivial but it does make a difference. 3. Vista has a barametric altimeter. Not that fishing requires you to know at what level above sea you are but it is nice for you to know the bar pressure. you can set the unit up to display elevation or pressure. pressure effects fishing. The Venture, which you didnt mention is one i would NOT rec. It lacks these and other features you would miss. The sensitivity on both the legend and vista are identical and they should get you accurancy in the 3-6 meter range with a clear sky. However, these units do not preform well in tree coverage. So if you plan on using it off the water this could be a factor. The Vista is roughly $80 more but i think worth it. The legend has a better battery life though. A quick search for the vista netted a price of $180 at www.gpsonsale.com But look at several google search results. it might be found cheaper or with rebates. good luck P.S. from Texas, living in Florida
  22. what are you looking for it to do? I have owned two Garmins. A Vista and I now have a GPSMap60cs. I'll be happy to give you some info but i really need to know the purpose your unit will serve.
  23. 54# MG seems to be the largest 12v. MK looks to be 55# for 12v. In regards to battery life for 12v...I'm not the person to answer. Ben seems to have all the battery answers. In regards to charging while running big motor...again Ben needs to weigh in here but my guess is it wouldnt be a charger, it would be the way you tie the cranking batt and TM batts together. With that said i dont think it's worth it. I would rather see you buy what you need batt wise and charge with an onboard or nice portable charger when parked at home. Whatever you decide, charging your batts (cranking and TM) when returning home is critical. A good onboard charger is really convienent and will prolong batt life.
  24. here is a link to the 65# MK. http://www.basspro.com/servlet/catalog.TextId?hvarTextId=77891&hvarDept=200&hvarEvent=&hvarClassCode=2&hvarSubCode=1&hvarTarget=browse if you have a bps near they usually match their on line price in the store. this way you avoid shipping. you pay tax in the store but it as still cheaper, at least in florida it was. i would have bought this one but i didnt want to buy another battery and more importantly i didnt have room for another batt. this is a great deal though
  25. i know most are going to say to buy a massive thrust TM. I say get the biggest you can afford that makes sense. Do you really need a 56+ TM for a 16 footer? Probably not, especially if it is not fiberglass. I just replaced my 40# with a 46#. I wasnt really needing or looking for more thrust, rather foot control was what i wanted. My boat is roughly 16 feet and is fiber. Has a 75hp so it is by no means a heavy boat, but it also doesnt get blown around either that much. It is a 12v MG. I ran mine from 9am till 3pm this past friday in windy conditions (15-20mph) with no battery problems. just my .02
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