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Everything posted by jb_from_texas

  1. http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/science/11/02/seafood.crisis.ap/index.html interesting, but scientists always predict "the end of the world" kinda things. not sure what to believe. heck, we were supposed to get a very active hirricanne season too, but it didnt happen.
  2. is there a good way to keep the boat side terminal clean and such? my boat sits outside and on the rare occassion i do use the lights (usually fish my home lake that is a block away in my neighborhood so I dont bother) they are always hit or miss. Reason being is that my 4 prong connector (boat side) stays out in the weather. I usually have to clean it up with light sand paper to get any type of connection. This sux when i have to go to the gas station to fill up the boat. i thought about bagging it but the humity would be too great here in Florida. Suggestion?
  3. they are something you use when the boat is at home. You plug it in and leave it. It will charge all your batteries (assuming you get one with enough banks) and when completely charged it will go into a float or maintenance mode. Once one batt is charged it will take the amps from that bank and send it to the bank still charging the other batt(s). you install onboard so that's where it gets it's name. I highly rec one.
  4. from a former HS and D1 college cross country/track guy....Big congrats. Thats awsome. Good luck and have fun!! first part of anything is believing you can, so believe you can place well as an individual and team at state.
  5. Hey Murray, that's the same in Texas. no mater what, it is a coke. Conversations go like this..."You want a coke? What you want, a sprite, dp, etc?" (Dr Pepper, a Texas orginal from a Waco pharmacy) I had to speak to a group of about 60 folks at a gathering up in NY. The word naked came up in my improv and after a while i noticed the lost look on everyone's face. Thats cause i pronounce it like "neck-id" instead of "Nay-kid"
  6. Texan-ese figger = to calculate purdy = pretty rang = jewelry you put on your finger rot = opposite of left sumpn = something over yonder = just around the corner or over the hill a bit wender = window and why does NY'ers replace an "a" with "er" and "er" for an "a?" My neighbors are Italian NY'ers that say they are "New Yolkas" And they call by daughter "Alysser" when her name is Alyssa.
  7. Texas WAS it's own country till James Polk ran for President and vowed to get Texas. But among other things we didnt have to pay taxes to the Union because we gave up a considerable amount of territory. We also still have the ability to leave the Union though it will never happen. Sorry I hijacked your thread, I'm kinda of a Texas history buff. But back to your topic...we also make several words into one like: sumbich (orginally S.O. And this can be a good thing or a bad thing. All depends on delivery Fixina (Fixing to) Y'all (Northerners say You Guys) Also All (that black stuff we drill for underground) I could go on. It is fun to hear accents from other parts of the country and world. jb
  8. You know what I'm going to say....TEXAS! But without sounding biased you really do need to look at Texas. Born and raised there but have been in Florida for the past 8 years, so i know both states well enough. I dont know what Florida has more of, lakes or golf courses. They'll call anything a lake here though, even the smallest bodies of water. Texas has bigger lakes (everything is bigger in Texas) in general (and deeper) than Florida but Florida has more. But again it's a bit misleading when they call something a lake that i can skip a rock across. Housing is WAY better in Texas. Better quality, better prices. Taxes are low and most importantly the people are very nice.
  9. well i hate to say it but buy a Mac. there are programs out there for PC's and they will probably do what you need but if you want the wiz bang stuff, it will run on a mac...and it comes installed with the machine. no needed extra $$ spent.
  10. as usual W2Slow was on the money. course if i had half a brain i would have adjusted it in the RIGHT direction to begin with. once adjusted correctly i could go hands free running 34mph and at idle speeds as well. thx y'all to answer you're questions: aluminum 3 blade, no jack plate
  11. this happens at idle speeds and at WOT, trimmed. If I'm running WOT and let the wheel go it will probably throw me, that's how much torque is going on. i moved the skeg so that it pointed starboard, not the back. i figured i would try the opposite direction since it got worse but just havent yet. I will try that tomorrow.
  12. what would make my boat want to pull hard to the right when i let go of the wheel? the adjustable skeg fin was centered so i moved it a bit and it got worse.
  13. i couldnt find the xps manual but the promariner looks identical. promariner manufactures the xps chargers. try https://www.promariner.com/en/products for your equiv model
  14. when i get in the muck it just reverse the motor. that tends to spit the weeds off the prop. or change directions too. and as chug said you can always pull it out. i dont think it does anything to your motor or else we would all be sending our TM in for servicing.
  15. does anyone know where that thread is that lists all the necc gear in your boat? i searched a while with no luck.
  16. Get up, and get your grandma out of here. Pick up, old Jim's been working hard this year. My face was painted in Peter Chris style many years for Halloween. My bro was Paul Stanely. Now for my name...well, I was born and raised in Texas but now live in Florida. Very proud Texan too. My youngest daughter was born here in florida and i had a problem with that. So while visiting family in Texas I scooped up some dirt and placed it in a gallon zip lock. The dirt was placed under the mattress when my daughter was born so she was born on Texas soil. At age 3 she was already flashing the Hook Em Horns sign. The jb is my intials.
  17. my experience with this indicates it is fully charged and you should remove the charger. This is also about the time i bought an onboard charger with a float mode. Never looked back. It is just too convenient this way
  18. i have a full tank of 2 stroke fuel/oil that has been sitting for about 3-3.5 months. i just got the boat back in working order and i dont want to have to deal with bad gas/carb problems. i did not have any stablizer in the fuel. should i dump it or is this fuel ok?
  19. my shop manual states to use Type A or Type AF automatic trans fluid for my trim system. I dont know which is in there now but i need to add a bit. 1. does it matter which i use 2. does it matter if it isnt the same as what is in there already
  20. as far as the charger question goes: i have installed one myself. it is as easy as drilling a few holes and securing with bolts (goop up the bolts and holes with sillicone). i mounted mine on the underside of a hatch door where my batteries are located. there are some instructions about where to aviod installation (i.e. away from fuel if i remember correctly) but as long as you open the hatch a few minutes after arriving back at home, let any fumes that might be in escape and always plug the charger in before plugging ext cord into outlet (and reverse when unplugging) you should be fine. as far as investment goes: yes, i would highly recc. it is the convience of plugging in and leaving it (as long as you get a good charger) that makes it so nice. BPS has chargers that go on sale every now and then. Stratos boats: cant help you there.
  21. well after fighting with fixin the trim motor i pulled off 2 months ago, i finally gave up (really i had to, it was falling apart) and purchased a new motor and pump assembly. There was nothing wrong with the pump, but you cant find/buy a replacement motor to work with my original pump. so instead of $240ish for a motor, i had to buy the whole dadgum thing, motor and pump, for $450. Heck, I only paid $2500 for the boat to gegin with. This is a fair warning to all when looking at older used boats. These type things will pop up with older boats (mine is an 86 Skeeter).
  22. yes they do make batteries that slow the charge process down when nearing the final stages. check back to your thread soon as "WaytoSlow" will reply with all kinds of good advice.
  23. I havent used anything yet but plan to tonight. I dont want to use 5200 because that is as permanent as you can get. I think I will use Silicone II ernel/waytoslow: thanks for the heads up.
  24. im in the process of sealing my motor bracket to the transom i wanted to know if Dap Acrylic Latex Caulf with Silicone is adequate for the job. and what is the significance of RTV.
  25. well it took some additional help (and a few additional hints from another forum) but eventually it came out. thanks way2slow for your help. hopefully new brushes is all it will take to get back on the water. it's been over a month and im going crazy.
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