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Everything posted by jb_from_texas

  1. i tried this line (although not the soft version) after reading several good things here. My biggest and really only complaint is the memory. I expect some over time but this stuff was coiling the minute it was on the reel. It does straighten out if there is tension but when worming the slack line looks like a tight spring, coiled up the entire line. Did i get a bad spool or is the soft version that much better?
  2. This is interesting. The hook brand selection on this thread is between just 2 or 3 brands. I have some Owners as well as Gammy's. I have a bunch of BPS 3/0 EWG hooks I've been using, and missing recently. What is everyone's opinion on these BPS hooks? Are the BPS hooks not near as good, even when brand new?
  3. using an inexpensive Dill Dance rod. I believe IM6. Yo Zuri 15lbs, i believe. maybe 12. These are def bass hitting. I need a new rod for another reel, so I'll be getting a stiffer one and see how that goes. just wanted to make sure i got some different perspectives.thx all
  4. after the first few misses i did "skin" the hook. the hook is new. I'm doing all you have said so rod tip is my best guess
  5. I did a search and couldnt find a string for my question...so forgive me if this has been asked before... Yesterday I was out and fished my best spot. first cast, fish on for just a few seconds. Within 10 minutes another with the same result. This pattern continued for 5 missed fish. Each time i checked to see if my hook punched through the worm and tried to hook the fish. each time no hook exposure. I remember the thread and video about setting the hook and was thinking of this before i even started and told myself i was going to set the hook BIG TIME. After missing these fish and thinking about it for a while i think my problem is two-fold. 1. wrong gear. fishing a 6 foot med rod with a 3/0 WG hook with a senko type worm. I think the rod tip is too weak. 2. still not setting it hard enough. My question...do you feel the rod tip is my problem?
  6. if the colors changed Glenn would have to have his boat repainted. dont think that is gonna happen
  7. no offense taken at all....but i find it hard to believe that millions of christian churches have the date wrong. surely someone in the christian organization(s) would have researched this and determined 12/25 is the correct date. i'm saying this not to fire anyone up, i just find it hard to believe everybody has it wrong. Well, I hate to get nitpicky, but this is actually not true. Virtually all civilizations in the Northern Hempishere historically have celebratory events at the end of December. The reason is obvious. These are the shortes days of the entire year. This lack of daylight is spooky and depressing. The ancients, in their ancient wisdom sort of way came up with a great solution. "Let's party" If I have offended anyone, please accept my apology. It is not my intention to offend. avid
  8. we in the South dont get tat kinda snow but we do get it. i was snowed out of school with snow deep enough to "ski" behind a 4x4 down the street (no hills in lubbock) heck, it snowed in central florida yesterday.
  9. maybe i missed it but i couldnt find that info. just a list of local dealers and info on more current motors
  10. sorry, my question really wasnt worded right. i was looking for some type of documention on the wot range for my particular motor. i wanted to say 4750-5250 but needed to make sure. i can turn 54-5500 right now wot but thought it was a bit high. i thumped my prop this weekend so now is the perfect time to replace the prop and make sure i get the correct size. right now i have a 17 pitch. thanks to the both of you. i'll continue to call around and make sure i get the correct figure. 60 Big Foot - 2.3 5000-5500 60 Big Foot - 2.3 5500-6000 75 4-Stroke - 2.3 5000-6000 75 Classic - 2.3 4750-5250 90 4-Stroke - 2.3 5000-6000 this what i found on line. i need to confirm mine is the classic listed. mine is a 2 stroke.
  11. ran 10k/5k/3k steeple (30:54/14:31 on road/9:10) indoor 2 mile/3mile (9:10/14:11) 5 mile cross country: 24:45 4 mile cross country: 19:40 or so. my buddy was a 4:10 miler, 3:52 1500m/1:52 800m and a great relay runner distance medley, 4x800)
  12. my old college roommate/cross country/track teammate came in from Texas for some fishing. Nothing but fishing for three straight days. Hooked into several but only two decent ones (18 inch and 21+ incher) While we were beached to relieve ourselves we picked a few oranges. The cattle that roam the groves eat all the oranges they can reach (no longer a working grove) so when one saw me peeling one she headed over to the boat, waded her front feet, stretched over the bow and swiped my freshly peeled orange...and got orange juice all over the bow. (three posts for the pics)
  13. does anyone know of a web site that will list the reccomended WOT for Mariner motors? Or, if you happen to have the same motor could you share? I tried calling a few local dealers and one actually wouldnt tell me, unless i bought his prop. then he hung up when i asked again, nicely i might add. Specifically I'm looking for info on an 86 Mariner, 4cyl, 2-stroke, 75hp. thanks
  14. doesnt surprise me... HAD a 97 Mazda Protege with 124k miles. I bought it new and had it till 2 month ago. I traded it in and got what i wanted, $1000. It was a good reliable car but interestingly enough i started to have the same problems you have. I had an exhaust leak somewhere. At least i assume that is what i was hearing. I also had a bank go bad in the exhaust sys that constantly kicked on the "check engine" light. oil leak down where the engine block and tranny meet. that i lived with for almost 2 years. the cost wasnt worth it. get the ball joint fixed. and if you have done heads in the past on other cars brakes are a piece of cake. parts would run you $20 or so and take a hour's time.
  15. one big step in the right direction to fix the "lessor of two evils" choice syndrome. TERM LIMITS. regardless i say vote.
  16. Matt Fly, are you referring to my post? if so i see your point about "just because they are good and from the sec doesnt mean they have proven themselves." i agree. you're right. they havent really played anyone outside their conference worth a flip. course one would argue the big 12 non conference games have been weak. i guess we will never know what conference is best till they start playing each other. other than nebraska playing USC, Ark playing USC and Texas playing OSU there really hasnt been any indicator games, unless you believe WV and Louisville deserve their rankings. best game plan....just keep winning.
  17. layout/design and paginate Barron's Magazine.
  18. for the life of me i dont see how WV or Louisville are/were ranked at 3 and 5. Neither have played a single good team. Louisville had Miami early but Miami turned out to be a flop. Ohio State barely got by today as well as Michigan. But all good teams have close games. Texas justs keeps winning but they will need quite a bit of help to get back to the championship. MinnAngler: you said "as long as McCoy is at Texas this season they wont repeat? I assume you really meant to say "since Vince left..." But i have to tell you, McCoy looks great. He was 23 of 29 tonight and threw 3 TD, no picks. And he just set the all time Texas single season TD record. Yep, more than Simms, Street and Super Man himself, Vince Young.
  19. thats an awsome way to finish the season...or are you heading to a footlocker regional race? either way it sounds like a great race. Too bad about your usual top 5 finishers, that's a huge point swing.
  20. now that ive installed my new trim motor i have a question. when it reaches the very highest point it gives me a semi-grinding noise. kinda like there is no fluid. there appears to be plenty of fluid and the motor trims just fine. as of now i just dont trim it all the way up. dont need to anyway. ideas?
  21. would the dielectric work on a fuse panal as well?
  22. i was standing in line on campus (college) and this girl behind me takes a deep breathe, exhails with that dreamy eye look and asks, "are you wearing Drakar?" I said "why yes, i am." ... I'll stop the story there.
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