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Everything posted by jb_from_texas

  1. i think what Simp is saying is when there is any doubt about the clock and remaining time the team wanting the game over just keeps chrging the field or running to the locker before the refs can regain control. Everyone does it. Anyway, I'm glad the Horns got by Neb, they deserve it (as one could argue for other teams) and i think it will be a good game, no matter how little the media thinks the Horns have a chance.
  2. silver lake in yardley? please tell me yes. i can walk there
  3. Hey Zel, we made the move to Yardley, PA. im still in the process of getting my drivers and fishing lic but soon will be ready to search out some fishing. i ended up selling the boats in FL though. Once im legal i would love to find out more about the fishing you mentioned in your post. thanks JB
  4. thanks Zel for the info. my boat is on the small size. 16 ft with 75hp. does this lend itself to most waters there? also, are there any 2 stroke limitations? On another note, is there much stream/wading fly fishing in either state as well? thanks for the anything you have
  5. hey guys, i'm being relocated and will either buy in Bucks Co, PA or Princeton, NJ area. Any bass fishing around these parts? i'm not sure i want to bother transporting my bass boat if the fishing is scarce. thx
  6. running was and still is a passion of mine. i ran in HS and college with PR's of: 30.54 10k, 14:31 5k, 9:01 3200, 9:11 indoor 2 mile, 4:24 indoor mile. but those days are long gone. i'm 39 now and have had an ultra marathon on my mind a lot recently. i think i will give it a go next year. keep up the hard work, listen to your coach and have faith. but most importantly, enjoy it. jb
  7. those of you in the Orlando area...is the Lake Conway ramp open? I know several ramps at other Central Florida lakes arent due to drought.
  8. who says we all love TO in Texas? As with ANY team in the NFL, you can tolerate anyone that produces for your team and despise that same guy when he plays for another team. I mean who really likes Moss except for Pt fans?
  9. thanks for the follow up. makes sense to me. either way, da boys won and thats all i care about.
  10. the pass interference call in question is both of what Fisher of men and matt state. he clearly touched the reciever's pads, not once but twice. one of them slightly held the receiver's arm down. and they did tangle feet accidentally. flipside: i dont believe Ware was offsides either. he timed it perfectly. but at the end of the day it's football with humans and cameras making calls. if GB was good enough last night they would have overcome any call they think went against them. all good teams do. last night Dallas was better, period.
  11. here is one i came up with but have yet to have it made into a sticker. if i remember correctly, it will cost around $40 or so for a 12-16in wide sticker.
  12. Keep your head up. Take that disappointment with you into track and remember how you feel now. It should be a major motivator. Good luck in track and report back. I love talking CC and track. And, make sure you toe the line each week with one thought "I have done all I could have this week to prepare." Check out (if you havent already) these links: http://www.flocasts.org/flotrack/index.php http://www.dyestat.com/ JB PS for those interested...awsome Olympic marathon trials this past weekend
  13. it's more than a phone. if you use the cool features instead of just making phone calls then it is right in line with most any smart phone, at least the 4Gig version, which is the one i bought (after the price cut). My wife uses the iPhone and she had a blackberry. she didnt care for the BB but loves the iPhone. and the big difference between the iphone and other phones (smart or not) is it is ever evolving. With any other phone what you get on day 1 is the same phone on the day you get rid of it. the iphone gets firmware and software updates as well as 3rd party apps. it truly is a mini cmputer. if you need to just make calls, dont waste your money. if you appreciate technology and will use all it's features, it's a nice device.
  14. what i dont get is someone having such hatred of another team that they use that as their BR screen name!! I mean, i dont care for OU but I'm sure not going to have some goofy name like "OU sux" And why dont OU fans come up with something more clever than taking another team's "call sign" and turn them over/upside down...rather than coming up with somehing to support their own team? OU isnt the only school to do this. Could it be jealousy? How is that for a little smack?
  15. key words: last year I'm not a big believer in the PAC10, matter of fact i believe as a conference whole it isnt much. BUT USC is for real, and unlike last year, i dont believe an idle team should get jumped in the polls. LSU probably is the best team, but one game against a lower ranked team cant def tell us. Good luck the rest of the year. my guess is you'll be in the BCS champ game at the end regardless. RWHusker is right though, OU is looking really good. And that is really hard for me to take (even though 80% of their team is Texans)
  16. without reading all the posts... i asked my neighbor that works for the local phone company. here is the response: you should leave phones plugged in and dial the house # with a cell phone. If it does not work unplug all phones and dial in with a cell phone. It might be a bad phone. One bad phone or jack will knock out all jacks except DSL which runs seperate from outside
  17. I believe in the right race he can. I was a bit surprised it wasnt a little faster at World's. He has great top end speed. If it wasnt for an insanely fast 19.32 WR by MJ in the 200 i believe more people would know his name. 19.66 into a head wind is quite incredible itself. Kara Goucher (married to Adam, 5k) placed third in the 10k. Very well strategically ran. Hopefully Webb can do what the world knows what he is capable of...3:28 or better.
  18. is anyone watching the champs? Not that T&F is that popular in the States but it's near and dear to my heart. Check them out on VS network and NBC today and next Saturday. Noteable results: US regained 100 title - Tyson Gay 9.85 Alan Webb advances to semi's in 1500 (leads world in mile and 1500 this year) (set US mile record earlier this summer - 3:46.91) check it out.
  19. Born and raised in Lubbock Texas. Played in the league these kids are from, so I guess you can see why I'm pulling for them.
  20. i also bought a DLP (Samsung 46 inch) in late 2005. I looked at everything, and at the time (might be different now) here is what I found: Plasma - was too expensive and the life span was too limited (gas burns out and you throw the TV away) LCD - had a ghost effect...like when you move your mouse real quick on your computer and the pointer has a trail behind it. This has a negative effect on quick action scenes. LCD projection - nothing really bad to say. DLP - has a lifetime as long as you want, assuming you change out the lamp when needed. I suspect mine will go another 2-3 years before i need to do that. My lamp will prob run $200. By then i might want something different anyway. Not sure if plasma still has it's limited life or if the LCD has the same issues. Do your homework. Also, the kind of room (light or dark) can make a huge difference. check into what is rec for each. And whatever you do, subscribe to your local HD service. Without it you're wasting your money buying an HD TV.
  21. you're right. and the new macs run on intel chips....meaning you can have two computers is one. you can load XP and run it as a PC. And it's not a virtual PC, it's a true PC running all your PC junk. But the real beauty is on the Mac side. Unbelievable OS with great out-of-the-box software. Make movies, DVD's, manage all your digital assets, etc. Give it a try, I bet you'll love it.
  22. well the bad part (sorta) was that it was easy to get it out of the transom (nothing really holding it in). now getting the hose off of the neck of old thru hull. is there a secret or is it all elbow grease? it's almost as if the hose has fused to the thru-hull, and it doesnt look like i have enough extra hose to just cut it loose. suggestions, tips, tricks?
  23. Since you had the back of the boat, and a good look at my motor, I was sure you'd have commented on football. Team Hookem!!!!! I havent' even looked at UT's schedule this year, I know we travel to Ohio State early this year. So our season could start the way it did last season with early loss. I knew with the loss of Vince and others, beating OSU, even at home would be tall order. I get to see if our sophmore QB is seasoned enough to make UT contender, not too mention that our secondary was SWISS CHEESE last year. Once teams learned they could pass on Texas, they did, and very often. NFL Hall of Fame Game is less than a month away, so that mean NCAAF isn't far away either. Can't wait!!!!!! NCAAF is one of the puriest games played. Hookem Matt. Hey Matt, no OSU this year.Matter of fact, the schedule is not that strong. We will need to run the table to even sniff a title game. I was born and raised in Texas but now live in Central Florida. Texas comes to Orlando to play UCF at their new stadium. I'm trying to get tix but UCF is NOT selling single game tickets to the Texas game. All others you can buy a single game tix. I did some searching and the cheapest ticket is $200 (ticket houses), and they are sorry seats. Man this is killing me.
  24. how bad (if any) is it to have your motor suck in muddy/dirty water when the skeg starts skimming the lake floor?
  25. other than draining and adding fresh water try the following: After Shock, found at: http://www.jacksmagic.com go to "about our stuff" On a similar note, i would consider switching over to a salt system. Forgive me if you already have one or know about them...but a salt system is wonderful. you add salt to your pool and it cycles through a cell that generates chlorine, and then pushes it into the pool. it will continually generate chlorine as long as you have enough salt. I add 40# of salt 2-3 times a year. And no, it's not like swimming in the ocean. far from it. most folks couldnt tell you if it was a salt pool or not. if you've been in a new pool built in the last 5-6 years there is a good chance it was a salt pool. to switch over a system will run you a bit though...maybe 800-1000 bucks...but well worth it. and if you ever have to "shock" your pool, all you do is click a button on the system to "super chlorinate" and bam, 12 hours later or so you're back in with plenty of chlorine...again, without adding any chemicals. And it wont allow you to over shock. it will shut off. good luck
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