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Everything posted by ryalred

  1. I don't like how hard it makes fishing, but I've caught many more fish with it windy than when the weather is calm. I use more weight to stay in control of my plastic baits, but I also like to fish the windy banks and points with a rattletrap or spinner bait. Also, I will often anchor and fish out a spot and then move on and anchor again at a new spot. It doesn't wear you out as much as trying to run the trolling motor and fish at the same time in heavy wind.
  2. I took my wife salmon fishing one time in the Pacific Northwest to one of my favorite runs and there were quite a few people there, but they were all men. I showed my wife everything to do and she caught a salmon in short order. One older man, who had been there since sun-up (it was about 1:00 p.m. when she caught the fish), stopped fishing and gathered everything up and left. As he was going up the hill from the river I overheard him say "blankedy, blank Women!"
  3. Without any doubt my favorite soft plastic jerk bait is the Zoom Salty Superfluke. No one can beat their color selection. Their action is superb. For me, they out-fish all other jerkbaits at least two to one.
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