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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. Glad I don't live in roseville anymore.
  2. What? Why post a description of damage and not the story?
  3. Marketing folks trying to stay fresh.
  4. I don't love my gear, I love my wife. Of course I like the combos I have or I wouldn't have them. Point is it doesn't matter what others like, it's what would be comfortable in your hands.
  5. Either time they're all TOTAL ANIMALS
  6. It's like saying redneck, some embrace the word/history behind the it and others see it as an insult.
  7. Started to get disappointing, too much feelings running around from Rick, and the rest are being too lax, like there's not any problems. Michone hesitating on a fight, this doesn't make any sense, she is a lone wolf warrior! People not carrying guns everywhere, no buddy system, keep the gate in check with the zombie count adding up. Whats wrong with the leadership? Go into town and find a hummer or hillbilly diesel truck and plow over a zombie crowd, not throw bacon at them temporarily. Get it together show!!!This better be a few episodes fluke
  8. I've heard they got giant heads in South D
  9. Welcome aboard
  10. Welcome aboard
  11. Welcome aboard
  12. I seriously wouldn't consider anything less than a howitzer
  13. Are they going to do all the work to move the equiptment over?
  14. These the same metanium's you can get on ebay for $340?
  15. What it comes down to is fishing as a sport is more enjoyable to "do" than to watch, whereas all the other broadcasted sports are for people to watch instead of "doing''.
  16. You know it's funny you can go to the jersey shore and their philly cheese steak is made with roast beef, then you can go across the country to california and their steak shops serve philly cheese steaks with lettuce tomato and onion. Just saying cheese steak don't cut it if you never had a real one! I go to the source or make my own
  17. Meh, I just made some philly cheese steaks
  18. I'm going to say that your system is too stiff, you have braid and a MH rod, you drag might be tighter than it should be too, try ditching the braid and see if you hook jump rate lowers
  19. Gotta love the office interview processes.. Interview with a dept manager, follow up interview with talent aquisition specialist, 3rd with HR regular, 4th with a dept director, 5th with HR manager, 6th with hiring manager, hired, background/credit/drug checks... Just to make sure you're not the unibomber/bum/deadbeat ex spouse.
  20. Ouch, that bites! I kind of agree about the guide not having more fish bite but still he should've done something about the poor outing, at least a decent discount on the trip or a rebooking. $90~ a pound
  21. I've had that happen several times all from the cell phone, they leave a message and I'd call back saying I'm not 'insert guys name here' he was the last guy with the number, they'd leave a message and I called back and told them wrong number no 'insert guys name here' and never got another call from them. I guess what helped them believe me was they guys name was completely spanish and I didn't sound anything like it. No information given at all.
  22. I think you should first cover what you're going to do with baitcasting reels
  23. ^ right For the price you don't get what you're paying for. Since you have awhile, look around for other choices.
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