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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. Plenty fun, we enjoy cruising out in the snow, helps that there's barely anyone else out
  2. My area is a protected valley, we miss almost all the good stuff. Just north of me usually gets double. It stopped at 7 and turned into sleet.That 3" we got on thursday already disappeared yesterday. Still aint stopping us, we've still been fishing, trout at least
  3. I can finally say we got some snow, don't count til it hit six inches. Beard started freezing out there lol
  4. Now you can't throw him back til he's 18
  5. That can go both ways. New or seasoned owners... doesn't matter I've seen it both. At the ramp impatient and ones that take too long.
  6. Who knows, they claim more sensitivity, or an extra fail safe for the fish not to pop off, could just have been marketing hype "to get to the roots of the old reels"
  7. I'm sure there's tons of things like losing lures or crappy boat launches but its all apart of the game, no matter how remedial or significant it still doesn't agrevate or ruin my fishing.
  8. Yeah a sack escape and a helmet catch aren't part of the plans, out of the box helps
  9. Everyone has a story about a small bass hitting a large bait, now you can have one too with that spook!
  10. Like this:
  11. Whatever it is, I'm hoping for the best
  12. At least the II gave us a great front suspension. In the video it looks like a beer bottle opener under the side mirror
  13. ^ spy gate can only bring a team so far
  14. What really comes into play is the size and weight. Do you want a heavy full size reel or do you want a light small reel? They are two totaly different reels, Even if I wanted one or the other you couldn't compare them both, one holds 90yds of 14lb and the other at 120yds, then 5.9 vs 7.6 in weight If you're going for smaller lures, go with a smaller reel
  15. Wasn't a fan after 2004, wife wasn't a fan after 2009. Actually glad we're done with the mustang scene after having several each from base to cobras, was still fun, the futures keep getting uglier
  16. I don't use many spinnerbaits but I'm a fan of the plano spinner/buzzbait boxes, they have a little bit of adjustment so you could probably fit the bent buzzbaits in there with one clip holding them in at least.
  17. Welcome back
  18. I don't have a good pair because I didn't fish off your boat.
  19. So really, what did the other guy look like?
  20. 1. Find the guy that works the hardest finding the big fish. 2. Steal said big catches. 3. Photo for proof and brag.
  21. Try new spots. Diversify your tackle. Get more 'on the water' experience with lures/techniques.
  22. Flat's the easiest way to mill on a mold or even repair mold work
  23. I already gave my opinion on the E vs CI4+ several times, I think the biggest factor everyone forgets is that you're trying I compare two different reels with a $70 gap in between them. You could even look good enough and get two used E's for the price of one retail + They are both nice, the E's are tested in time and the + is going strong right out of the gate. Pick your price point and enjoy, you won't be disappointed with either.
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