Backtrack half a year ago, I needed another way to transport some fishing gear for a shore trip in a different SUV, this time in an Explorer. I ended up reusing some of the last projects parts but couldn't use them all, since there was no baby seat tether system. The three rear tether hook points were at the top rear of the ceiling which allowed an even sturdy pole. I had to change that by using an aluminum 1" tube cut to length from a old broom instead. On the explorer there's a plastic hook in the back on each side
These are the items I used:
Zip Ties (4" and 8" should be good) 8" for thickness
Velcro (double sided kind)
Flat Nylon Bungees (3 length/6 pack found at walmart)
Electrical Tape
Driveway Reflective Marker (for metal bar) For reference the bar is 32"
Broom Handle (Used a 1" aluminum tube kind laying around) The tube is just under 41"
Scissors or dikes (snipping excess tie)
This was the original rear holder, the driveway reflective marker with the reflector removed and installed with the velcro strips I cut to 10" lengths or less tied on with 4" zip ties. The bar also allows for the zip tied velcro some movement from side to side for space. The velcro is tied on straightforward and I have 10 straps on to fit 10 combos comfortably This was in a Escape/Tribute/Mariner:
After several attempts it took some time finding out how the structural process would work best but I found it, this is where the tube comes in.
Here we go. The rear of the Explorer has a pair of rear coat hooks, this is where connection is made. The flat bungee goes across first, then put the tube over the bungee and 8" zip tied it in place at the ends (flat spot before hook) where the bungee meets the hooks, this holds it in place, Later in time I threw on some electrical tape to hold it on more securely at the ends. This makes the Tube/Bungee. A strong enough brace that has hooks.
Next I installed the bar with the velcro on it with the 8" zip ties. I spread several zip ties across the bar and the tube/bungee, make sure not to put too many on so you can have room to slide the tied velcro straps in between they zip ties going around the tube/bungee/rod. The last part is about the bungee hook, it'll shimmy around in the coat hook so a couple 4" zip ties will hold it in place, I used one on each side but two with an X pattern should work great.
These are some photos to help clarify:
You can see the broom screw here
From the back:
Now for the easy part, the center brace. This is achieved by using the middle handlebars. These two bungees (red=shorter, green=longer) are of different length, which have different tension that will hold the rods better so they won't dangle around and stay pushed up onto the ceiling. I have only had a problem with them bouncing around when I had 6 rods up there which included two beefy surf rods, I took them both down and all was good. You could try using the green one in the back with the tube/rod and put both the red ones in the middle for more tension.
It's been around 6 months since I concocted this and so far so good. I revised it with some electrical tape for more support for the bungee/tube connection. It doesn't get in the way since it's tucked up to the ceiling, which was a big problem with store bought ones with different vehicles. The only thing to remember is when you push in/pull out rods is to put them on their side so the guides go past the middle bungees. That's about it, hope I didn't make it too complicated.
I have to put a caution about this if anyone tries to attempt something like this, since there is a long tube now inside the cabin and that you have rods above you. Use at your own risk.