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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. I don't have any pocket problems, it also fits in my hands quite well despite my small hands
  2. It took time for foles to grow with the team and it panned out.
  3. What a difference, been using ios on the iPhone 4 since it came out and I became use to the functionality of it but also frustrated with the limited capabilities. I missed the customizations, with ios you get what they want you to like and that's it, coming from the pc windows world I like options. I wanted change and the nail in the coffin was when apple decided to add a app row instead of making their screen larger like everyone wanted. I went with a Galaxy Note 3, I know go big or go home right Huge change and after 5 days I've barely scratched the surface with the whole system. The screen size is nuts, after the first day I tried to go back to the iphone and it was so small, it really shows how small the screen was. Between the two what I miss with the iphone is the fluidity and refinement/quality of apps. I also have to relearn input since I'm use to the ios and the two operation systems are very different. I'm sold for now and every day I find something else I like more about it.
  4. I heard he pulled a Cutler after he learned the score
  5. Couldn't tell you, I can say though the amount of hawks and bald eagles in my area sure do scare them off
  6. My wife is my fishing partner, the only problem I have is trying to outfish her
  7. I will never forget this day (I need some baccarac to even out)
  8. Even dink bass will smash bigger swimbaits or any bigger bait for that matter. You should hear about the musky guys get PO'd because 2lb largies strike their huge lures. And yes PA guys use swimbaits just not many of them.
  9. You can't leave that up to the imagination. Photos! Photos!
  10. There is no difference, it's the same reel
  11. If buying new get the ci4+, used then get a core for around the same price as the ci4+ One of the best features the + has is the option of the high gear model which I'm a huge fan of
  12. Crucial at the lower end ($160) Legend elite/extreme at the higher end ($320+) What are the weights you'll be throwing?
  13. It's: Yous guys
  14. Dang!!! Now that's low. I've only seen them for $99 and barely got one at the time of the discount
  15. The never ending tackle organization
  16. I've had doctors tell me my spine is 95 years old...
  17. <----- they catch fish.
  18. I'd try to install some cameras on that thing.
  19. From what I've seen in american manufacturing/assembly in the last decade, this looks like a good thing.
  20. Especially the heads that pop out
  21. Regardless
  22. Hard to Like Romo out on a December game lol Who knows if this is good or bad, I don't know anything about the next in line qb in dallas
  23. One game hot, they did just blow it with a Peterson-less viking team a week before. They need to keep their eyes open and not let this blow out let them get sloppy
  24. Wonder what rod that is, it can handle a bass that size pretty good.
  25. What a shame. At least the bears game was enjoyable
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