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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. What type of paint are you using?
  2. They are also bucket fishermans nemesis
  3. So are the colts going to show up?
  4. Long as you don't buy it and run around telling everyone BR this and BR that and not actually come here at all then you're alright. Which isn't the case since I've seen you walk the halls here. Support what you like, contribute to, support what you like I think under your aspect for actually contributing to the site with an article (Glenn or someone up top approved it) would push you closer to purchasing one and spread the word, you have a good story to tell if anyone asks you about your jersey. Simple point here, you can wear what you like but don't think you wont get criticism about it. I hear all the time about how my dad wears a clevland browns shirt, he always wonders why people say things like "browns suck' or 'how bout them browns'. He's not a Browns fan, he doesn't even like football. He wears the shirt because it fits him, he doesn't realize fanbase of the nfl . Swear our society as a whole wants to be judged regardless.
  5. With an Andre the Giant voice
  6. You better have to some good bread to go with that
  7. I got disappointed with the iphone offerings so I switched over to the galaxy family. I liked my iphone4 a lot but the upgrade from the 4 to 4s to the 5c/s are a joke compared to the competition.
  8. The letter sealed the deal for any doubt that they were going to get rid of it.
  9. Welcome aboard
  10. the clayton curse strikes again
  11. Good luck with the surgery and hoping for a fast recovery Nice to see you can still go out and fish
  12. A disappointing nor'easter for sure.
  13. Looks like another 'first time'
  14. No worries dave. Welcome aboard!
  15. On a positive note, here in PA you can find one and put it up front
  16. I'm not a talk over the phone person, but I do meet people though
  17. Is it worth sharpening adequate hooks that come with the basic lures, a good example would be the KVD cranks. Are they capable or is the metal made of a lesser material that will need to be sharpened more often than higher quality hooks?
  18. Welcome Aboard!
  19. Harvesting Oscar to eat? I've always known them for fish tank fish
  20. Guess the fans aren't living up to the Frozen Tundra catch phrase
  21. I do just fine. What I try is different lakes or rivers and try to get good results
  22. Just like all the cheap China threads go... Post you findings after you use them, it'll be appreciated
  23. Who wouldn't want a 800hp minivan?
  24. RIP General K'Vagh He was a good actor.
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