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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. Call it a hunch but i figured the birds wouldn't go far. I hope foles stays where he is at and vick warms the bench for him
  2. Much better plug, the original was like trying to plug in a usb. Nothing beats people hating on shimanos
  3. Welcome aboard
  4. This is why I never took the full plunge into the apple world, I still did buy some pricy apps, one of my dumb mistakes was a month before switching platforms I bought the navionics app on the iphone, what a joke on such a tiny screen. The brighter side is I could buy a ipad later on and use all the apps on there. I never upgraded, it's looked like phone a child would play with. Far as apps, I ran my iphone hard and would crash apps plenty of times, that was just how i used it though, not a common problem
  5. Welcome aboard
  6. All this time I was paying for it
  7. When it comes to close sourced programs like their search and maps who cares. They are great Google systems which are reasons why android is a good. Besides those are apps not the operating system
  8. Disappoint
  9. Sean Peyton must be opening his wallet again
  10. Hey I have those little hands and it didn't stop me from getting the Note 3
  11. Android open source vs apples closed. It's one of the reasons why you can have apps control your androids with more customization, whereas apple needs to approve everything and apple don't want you to change their stuff.Downside is the increased security holes
  12. Game is tense. Good thing brees knows where to throw
  13. Brews to fletcher for 23 yrds!
  14. I'll have to remember that ribbon trick so I can have an excuse when the play clock runs out
  15. Entertaining pregame, now we can watch the real game
  16. Now that's not right! I've dropped my phone from arm height and never had anything happen to the glass, through all my times dropping it (and it was hundreds) I've got some of pixel burnouts or whatever you call them
  17. It's all good, being aggravated gets to all of us. As I said earlier, I'm hoping for the best for you
  18. Geez, even if the cheifs win they wont have enough active players since they are all getting injured
  19. Pros: user interface=anyone can use it, screen display is the best, app network has everything., overall the phone was more durable than I expected (I dropped it alot, only used a slip cover case) Cons; user interface=not customizable, really dependent on itunes, had issues connecting to open wifi networks, small screen that you don't realize how small it is until you see other people looking at their iphones
  20. Whoa what a recovery by Luck
  21. Probably be better off burying the curado name and coming out with a new name.
  22. Nice boat! now post some fish off it
  23. Didn't know water based paint was used for lures that went in the water
  24. Is it new or used? what kind of adjustments do you have on the gun? Most of the time, when I had that happened there was a block in the flow. Is everything cleaned?
  25. Hopes and Dreams are the special ingredient for a philly cheesesteak
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