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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. The best man, that's who
  2. This is just a reference for Power Pro braid that'll show sizes, the 30lb is equivalent to 8lb mono which is a good diameter for 20/2500 reel sizes
  3. Does your love of the boat trump the cost of transporting it? I'm thinking not cause you're having doubts
  4. I prefer not to go over 10lb mono on spinning gear. With braid I mainly use 20lb but I've heard many other like 30lb
  5. I took advantage of the offer too, ended up getting the 6'10MXF for a multipurpose spinning setup because I don't use spinning for much other than UL and ML, for a year now I've used it and didn't find a reason to change out, turned out to be a good stick.
  6. Got word my local lake is frozen over. This is my local river, chunks floating around making a glacier down stream. And there it is, the crackling sounds are interesting. Reports were that it was up 5 ft higher than what I photos of
  7. I have two skeeter dealers by me that have poor reviews\service. Also have two evenrude shops that can't work on bigger boat motors right. Service goes a long way so don't put your purchase solely on how close a shop is. Besides how many times do you think you'll go in for repairs?
  8. Welcome aboard
  9. I've have ran into this problem before several times with other hobbies. What I've found was regardless of the size screwdriver, the shape of the heads differ with brands so it's important to start off with a good head shape that doesn't slip when turning. After that you can push down on the screw, apply torque and turn the driver slowly.
  10. I have never seen a thread duplicate posts within itself
  11. Word is a new model is coming out, this time both righty and lefty
  12. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/80776-mountain-dew-first-aid-for-injured-fish/ It looks like the pages are copying themselves
  13. GIS has lots of references: https://www.google.com/search?q=honda+civic+kayak&num=50&client=firefox-a&hs=YZB&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=KU7OUsvhE-nRsATcnYGIDA&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=844
  14. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
  15. Realistic lures sure make the consumer bite!
  16. There is no such thing as luck, well maybe to the irish
  17. Happy birthday!
  18. More like saying their answer to the crucial Lews reels yes, now if they made rods in same scope then it'll really be about moves.
  19. I use them everywhere I can, long as the retrieval path wont get hung up on anything. Those baits are useful for a lot of sscenarios
  20. Sounds like it's worth to watch, there are way too many parents around here that try to live through their kids with sports.
  21. Make sure you have a good way to land them and some tools for safe handling and hook removal
  22. How will you ever fish in such harsh conditions
  23. I've heard of using sprite for upset stomachs but not on fish
  24. Can you broadcast that to me?
  25. I have this problem too, but from what it looks like they should go in the trash instead of wasting time polishing up turds
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