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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. Most of mine to go my spam folder
  2. What the heck did I just watch??
  3. Bluegill are what changes a skunk day around
  4. Some guy on shore. True story. Even caught a 11lber off it too
  5. What if we as a species got the whole concept of math wrong, what if 2+2=5 but we're too stupid to realize it?
  6. Same thing happened to me once, but it was a human eye
  7. Rod color, country of origin, grips. You can get the 'technique specific' mojos in some different blank types which you can't for the premiers
  8. Haven't heard a thing, lies perhaps...
  9. The only rod i've tried under $50 is a quantum xtralite from walmart for anround $22, I doubt they make it anymore but it did ok for a starter UL rod. It was a 6'6 2 piece blue rod with cork grips
  10. Near the EBT railroad, nice
  11. You could be on the right track with the pontoon boat, by far it will give you the most open space with plenty of modifications to make you fish better. I'd stick with the pontoon and put an electric retractable ramp with some type of wireless control, get a trolling motor with a wireless remote like ipilot, two shallow water anchors that will help stability for rolling on board from shore/ramp. You could thin out or open up the outer caging more to have a better access to the water or fish. Add some rod holders for so you can grab something else like nets/pliers etc. Add a duck pole to help push off if you push into a berm or when you beach
  12. Welcome aboard! Between Raystown and Harrisburg I bet
  13. Apparently TW has had them since last year February 2013
  14. For braid learn the palomar knot Don't forget to register the mojo http://stcroixrods.com/service-warranty/register-your-rod/
  15. Make sure you wear a condom
  16. What are some good places to check what my options are?
  17. I've used a sienna 1000 and its a nice reel for the money. It is smooth and the drag is really nice. I use a st croix Avid 7ft 2 piece ultra light moderate (model AVS70ULM2) for most of my ultralight needs, I choose it for being compact for travel and doesn't feel any less than the one piece they make. That being said st croix also makes one in the Premier model but for much less at $120 (model PS70ULF2)
  18. Remote>any pedal. My pedal sits in a compartment
  19. Welcome back to Pa!
  20. That's a beefy rod, it can do over the max rating too. Definitely one of croix's saltwater lines.
  21. So we know you won't take $175, how about $180?
  22. Give it time
  23. Much nicer color
  24. The point of the link is how to access the hook better since its in the gullet. You can't twist your tools around gracefully diving right into the mouth, it takes a side approach to work the hook better for extraction.
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