I'm not a collector but there's lots of books and websites that can guide you in the right direction for value.
Far as the eBay link, I didn't see any authentication so I doubt the story is the real deal
I played with one, would've been nicer if they used better cork. Besides that overall it's a very nice stick for the price. I think what really got me to pull away was their 3yr warranty
I had an similar experience a while back, In store was full price and online had a sale price, I asked if they honor their web prices and they can check them at the register.
They're catalog has lots of typos. Look at the shimano stella, it has the stradic specs and prices for them, I wouldn't mind those prices
Thanks for the ideas guys, got some dremels and a bunch of car care products to try out.
I wouldn't say it yellowed but whatever happened it looks like it wad stained from a lure attractant
Just know there is no real fast back belt courses, many mini mall martial arts in a box places don't teach you crap and hand you belts when you hand them money. It's more prominent now since mma is more popular.
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