Until the mojo/premier stop selling so good they would change or upgrade the lines but it hasn't and now all the other brands caught up. Things like the two coats of flex coat provides added protection means extra weight and a less feel now, it looks like a negative against the others in the price range since are lighter and feel more sensitive without it.
I know you're looking for just answers and you can't get them from everyone's opinion so you'll have to go out to a store that has a variety of rods and put them in your hand for starters. Who knows there might even be someone around to you that has some different rods you can try out
Try the 3600 slim plano boxes, for every 2 standard size 3600 you can fit 3 slims. The profile fits baits better instead of having too deep of compartments
The mka-47 is minn kotas sliding bracket, it slides 6", had one on my boat since the summer of last year. I try to recommend it in every terrova thread
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