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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. If the mouth ain't bigger than your fist, it's a dink
  2. Medium heavy in the 1/4-1oz range
  3. When they start talking I immediately interrupt them and say no thanks. Win win situation because they stop talking to me and they know ahead of time to talk to someone else. Cabelas is worse though. You get the credit card guys as soon as you walking into the door AND guys walking around the store randomly asking people. It's best to just say yes I have one already and be done with it. I've been to several bps and cabelas in various states and gotta say bps has more employees walking the floor asking around if customers need assistance. When it comes to the sack bars they haven bps has the rudest behind the counter and cabelas has the nicest
  4. Rhinestone pinstripe effect?
  5. I got avid pearls, that good enough?Googly eyes, could you just see them on a hardbait lol
  6. Round eyes, slanted eyes, googly eyes, cross eyes I don't care. What are some good producing colors?
  7. Do you give up on lures you purchase that don't produce for you? I don't entirety, I still tote some of them around because they might work somewhere else.
  8. I haven't stopped buying yet
  9. Heard right before the tail
  10. Probably what's in the same price range. I have to warn you though I have seen them on sale for $50 at cabelas more than once over the years
  11. I think amazons kindle support # begins with 1-866
  12. What type of hooks are you going to use?
  13. Nail polish melts in heat/sunlight. Loon Hard Head works much better
  14. it seems like simple mathematics, one cost more and you get less and the other cost less and you get more.
  15. Different colors for different locations/bodies of water. That part is up to you to find out.Start with the forage
  16. I don't listen to the peta crowd so it doesn't bother me on what they assume.
  17. If it doesn't work try the other hand. There is no wrong hand to pitch
  18. The bottom barrel bps aren't really good, but their XPS/Lazer Eye mid price stuff is hard to beat, the finishes are better and the hooks don't need to be changed out. I've used their Eggs and those took a beating on many bass and pickerel so that got me to try more.
  19. Go with whatever feels better in your hand
  20. 1. I believe the purpose of pushing Open Carry by some is to show the 'bad guys' out there that the US not a playground to commit crime. 1b. Why? their job is to enforce laws, not go around and check every open carrier. That's like asking cops to waste their time checking wood studs in every house to see if their up to code. 2. Whats the difference? Open or closed carry, you think if I have my gun exposed I will be different. LEO/Military also have the exposure to some sick stuff in this world, they are more prone to getting psychological disorders from that, those tests make sure it doesn't become an issue. 3. The point is yelling fire in a crowd will cause panic. I have never seen someone open carry create a panic. Even the little news stories about how 'concerned mom' called the cops about a open carry guy in a mall so they showed up doesn't mean anything. If the mom wasn't so uptight and knew the laws better it wouldn't even have been an issue. The shooting in connecticut also fueled that concerned mom because it was a few weeks after it.
  21. It would be more wrong if you didn't feel like that
  22. I'd rather try cranks on the A Rig
  23. Looks like a bomber suspending long a
  24. Let's see, 6'10MLXF 6'9MLF 7'0MLF Up to 1/2 oz weight on them.
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