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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. Lucky craft for anyone willing to spend over $10 on a lure, strike king KVD/Pro models for anyone who wants under $10
  2. Only you would know because it's your conditions of where you're fishing and what lures you're using. You left that out if the equation and IMO is what others need to know to give you a better suggestion. That 7'11 HMF does lean more to broomstick though. It is a very stout rod
  3. It's the weekend give it some time. Can't say I know any of what you listed but I only know my own brands
  4. I was like that once before with jigs, then...
  5. What hook did you replace it with, it says owner on the box but I think they are are thinner and less sharp than what I'd expect from owner
  6. Is there a Ranger sticker on it somewhere?
  7. Panther Martin and Blue Fox. Not a fan of the mepps or any other brand that's like them since the blades can hang up too easily.
  8. Up north. I belive Wacky Worm has some Smoke rods but their 20% off sale ended last week
  9. One of the few lures I have been wanting to try out and now I have to wait
  10. Not addicted to coffee, but I will have a cup if it's conveniently in my way and pending cream and sugar
  11. Musky rods are a different league and would be too much rod even though the ratings are similar. I have a 7'6 heavy musky rod and it's a true broomstick despite a 2-6oz weight rating.
  12. Any more updates on these? For the price I picked up a bunch to try myself since I'm in an area close to an Academy
  13. I would lose a vmc to a toothy critter before it would go bad. Wouldn't shed a tear like I would losing a owner
  14. 6'8, 6'9 medium fast, pick your brand
  15. Be sure to check out jackalls new spybait that just came out
  16. I walk the river and dip my reels in more than I should, don't have problems arise from it. If it stays in much longer than that I do a good cleaning and relube/grease
  17. ^This.His shirt was inappropriate. I remember a while back I wore a shirt with a gun on it in school and everyone warned be it wasn't allowed by the rules, neither was boodly/gore photographs. I didn't get in trouble though because there wasn't people so overly sensitized like there is today. I bet if anyone wore a "raising the flag over iwa jima" or "washingtons crossing" picture shirt the school wouldn't care.
  18. Just typical teva water shoes, barefoot sometimes.
  19. Around six out in the deck ready to go, times two since my wife's combos are out and ready too.
  20. I don't care if I don't catch any, it's just another portion in the whole picture.
  21. A solar panel the size of the lake I fish would probably be big enough for my 3 batteries. The power you get won't come close..
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