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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. Long as they keep the original
  2. First start with getting the right pump, then work from there
  3. Welcome aboard
  4. A little more specific would help
  5. 1: From a trailer to a 3/0EWG setup 2: When the bass tell you to downsize
  6. Cheers on the 50th!
  7. I wouldn't fish. I like fishing because you have many options for almost everything you do, diversification.
  8. I'll have to remember this when I fish the same 27 acre pond..
  9. Depends on the boat, my hull likes the motor up high. I couldn't rooster tail if I wanted to, not like I would want to anyway, it's when you overtrim.
  10. https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/13747.George_W_Bush
  11. While out of sight, call the police and give an anonymous complaint.
  12. Galaxy S5, water and dust resistant.
  13. For $2.99/ea, better stock up on them
  14. Berkley $5 Walmart fishing glasses in amber
  15. Not really a fan for slow reels and cranking, I use a 50e (6.4:1)and have no problems reeling and doesn't take forever bring back in
  16. You guys should check out some real photoshop experts then. I think the real problem is others lying about their size catches. Although that's everywhere. It's silly seeing guys post 3lb bass pushed all the way up to a camera and claim it's a 10lb.
  17. I use a shimano 200 or lews tp
  18. Pee off the boat, don't pee onto the boat
  19. Always loved the hand holding the hand up holding the fish pose
  20. I'm a Croix guy and can't help but to look at Dobyns to find a better selection for certain techniques. Gary did his homework on his rods I can tell you that. No reason to knock him for it.
  21. Look for a 50E, spool capacity is not an issue for 10-12lb line cranking. I see using 200s or lews sizes are better meant for bigger line
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