It's like talking to a wall. It's an example, you missed it again, If I really cared to stop you from taking the example and trying to apply it to whatever the FK is made of then I would, but I dont.
I don't know why the 4 stroke vs proxs is such a hard choice. 4 stroke all the way, it's the future, heck even merc is discontinuing the proxs this year to phase in 4 strokes more
ummm, were? It's still happening
Somewhere around 30 inches dropped I think. haven't even seen the wind speed drop below 15mph. I have 5 foot mounts from the wind gusts
It's not just the driver. You have to contend with the idiots out on the road. Once you run into some guy pulling out on you and realize he's lunch meat since you can't stop well enough, that's his own action.
I've had tribues and explorers, and well full size just handles towing much better and safer.
Fords with IRS, never again am I towing with them. They can't handle the long haul, and they never will change that, their game is for you to spend more and upgrade to a pickup. Keep thinking everything is fine but when you start hearing the bearings whirl you better trade up to a solid axle.
Funny to think the execs that were there before the bankruptcy were able to turn profit. They went under, a firm purchased them and they cut the fat.
Fish Holdings and Platinum Equity fixed rangers problem incorporating other brands and business models. Johnny Morris just bought the refined product. I don't feel bad because some ranger big wigs quit.
I guess it depends where you look, if it's rural the gas is higher (still above $2, if it's in or near town is $1.96 lowest I've seen) right now. I stopped going to pilot/flying j since they're been adding $100 holding charges on any gas purchase with a card. Been a TA or Love's customer since 2011 because of that.
It finally hit below $2.00/gal here in pa, thought I'd never see the day. If our bosses in Harrisburg figured out the budget they would've added more tax to keep it above the $2 line heh.
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