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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. The avids are very nice rods, going with the X model won't disappoint.
  2. The regular avid is still lifetime warranty, the new avid x came out with a 15 year.
  3. What techniques are you using, if youre swinging out of the park and still have line out you either are using rubber bands or your slack isn't fully reeled in
  4. http://tackletrap.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=898_792_793&products_id=3868
  5. No. I use the spot lock all the time and I'm not hooked up to any finders
  6. The retail boxes are misleading (among other products), but also pro's rep it for sales too.
  7. They have been on sale at dicks for years
  8. They were on sale everywhere
  9. Honesty. If you cant handle that you shouldn't date.
  10. I'm going to be conservative and say 13oz
  11. I see you like white rods, st Croix has some legend xtreme salt that's all white
  12. It's only stupid if you can't make rent and you're buying the more expensive stuff. I agree with the jealousy part. I knew a guy who was so envious of others because they had or wanted nicer gear, constantly talked crap because of it. Suffice to say I got rid of that negativity, make sure you keep an eye on these guys that brought it up, they could be toxic.
  13. 803 and core gears in the ch50 for the misses
  14. It's probably because they wanted to make the lightest and most sensitive rod and disregarded balance and aesthetics
  15. Who said it was hard? I can pitch docks just as fast as a pedal guy. Dont know what model you have but i still have my pedal on board just in case the remote dies, its not inoperable
  16. I throw dt-4s and some scatter raps on my 3/8-1oz crankbait rod with 12lb line, it's not optimal but I don't use them much anyway. If you used 10lb it'll help a bit, you could also add a suspend dot or two to increase the weight
  17. Welcome Aboard
  18. Every time I use to throw one crappie would smash them before anything else got as chance to. That's cool that they brought them back.
  19. Good work!
  20. That's why I quoted you
  21. Their XCaliber XR's have been in the discount bin for years at $3-4/ea
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