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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. I don't know what you have there in the photo but a service manual is man's second best friend
  2. But colonel sanders said it's free from corruption scandel and cheating of any kind...
  3. Sell the SYR and buy a DSR for dropshot and shakey. the DSR is one very versatile stick
  4. Was wading in a river once, hooked onto a huge fight, battling in the rapids, thing pulled like a freight train left to right. Got it close enough and found out it was a 3XL wife beater.
  5. In my experience, all of the watering holes around here are madness every weekend. Way too many fair weather fishermen too, it's a benefit when mother nature acts then there's not many people out.
  6. Find a part time job. Even if you go a full time job it's 40 hours a week, that still leaves 16 hours a day to figure out how you want plan it
  7. Medium for 1/4oz Medium heavy for 3/8-1/2oz
  8. Have you looked into a glass boat 18-19' with a blown motor?
  9. I guess I can stop oiling them every 15 minutes then
  10. It helps to have a 36v minn kota, I just spear them through
  11. I don't know how the constant run button is on the pedal. If it's not installed it won't interfere with a remote. You don't need the pedal if your using the remote, I have mine sitting under deck if I need it but it never comes out.With the flag pole, I know what you mean, I have the same shaft and I usually have it way up in shallow water, it can still get pretty shallow but if I need to get even closer I'll take the push pole out and lift the whole trolling motor
  12. You should've tried the ipilot, it eliminates using the stupid pedal
  13. Way too many throw a spinnerbait here so I generally don't. Another is almost every fish is a pickerel.
  14. Shhhh it was swept under the rug
  15. I predict it'll be boring
  16. How old is the battery?
  17. 3 pages and this should be in the first post
  18. Use the 3701 and cut some of the walls out to fit spinnerbaits that are laid flat
  19. More strollers. I like it that way, gives people like us a better chance at the deals.
  20. Nope, more like a status piece. They still pretty though.
  21. It looks like the plug is flowing water, best to remove that plug a check for a crack right there. What motor is it?
  22. Pull the plug and check for cracks. You should change your LU oil before winter, the point is to get any water out before it freezes.
  23. Just because a boat can doesn't mean you have too
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