I looked around for one that would fit my needs, I couldn't find one though so I rigged one up myself. The SUV is a Mazda Tribute (cousin to Esacape/Mariner). I used household items you can find at retail stores.
2 - 35" Flat bungees
Jagged soft foam, for gun cases
Zip ties
Double sided Velcro
A driveway reflector pole 36" or so (broke off the reflector)
I cut the foam to the width of the backseat hand grips and to about 6" wide. Then punctured the bungees through the ends of the foam and hooked them to the hand grips. Also zip tied the foam to the bungees in various places to prevent it getting pushed off.
Toward the back, it was easier since there's 3 hold downs bolted to the roof. I used the rod from the reflector to zip tie various sized velco on (10 pieces) to hold the rods. Then zip tied the reflector rod to the 3 hold downs. And that's it.
Things to note:
My longest rod is 6'9", I haven't tried a 7' but if I ever get one I'll try it out.
It's been 2 weeks and no problems 8-)
And the finished pics....