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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. With apps over 20mb download it requires wifi, apple doesn't want you eating up their server bandwidth when downloading
  2. Snakes like'em too! welcome to the boards
  3. Thanks for all the comment everyone! You got it Dwight,'quality' is it, the norm around here is 2-3lb and even 4lbs is called luck As for fishing with my wife, we're like peas and carrots when angling. She's a bit upset since I got it instead of her, and she should be, she was fishing the exact area but moved on!
  4. I got to thinking since reading the comments of my last thread here, whenever I'm out I don't see many couples fishing, when I usually see a couple the guys fishing and the girls reading a book. With me, my wife loves fishing as much as I do. So I'm wondering, how many of you get to share angling with your significant other?
  5. It's the nature of the game, what can be more said
  6. For me I've left 2 brakes on and don't change them around, one thing to check is to even out the brakes when you select them. The kinked line will foul your distance up, if your having too much of a problem change the line, Stren makes good line for a decent price. Another thing you havent mentioned is how your spool tension is set, it's usually best to hold your rod up and giggle it til the line gradually drops. What line size, rod, and lure weight are you using?
  7. That don't look half bad, for some muskys
  8. My local lake has been a big disappointment this summer, I still went up there nonetheless. It's not a big lake, or is deep, and pickerel outnumber the bass It was getting late in the day, to the point where I didn't feel like going out. The rivers are still mucked up since the Irene flooding so the local lake is the only place closest to us. My wife and I spent a good half-hour throwing soft plastics around till we stopped on one of the piers and I decided to try something different, I was thinking one of my spinners, but chose a crankbait. Good idea on my part, 2nd cast out something tugged back, felt heavy (for that lake, atleast), turned out to be a LMB, surprisingly. Best part it's my personal best bass since fishing for little over a year now. Figure I reached my 3rd goal this year, time to make new ones 22", 5lb 2oz (cheapo berkley scale) Of course I get the "I've seen bigger here" from someone, funny thing is it's the same talk I always here up there, though many barely catch anything.
  9. Nice video, thanks for sharing, shame about the rod
  10. Erie sounds good right now
  11. Since your fishing streams and rivers too, I would suggest one short rod (say 5') and one longer rod (7' or longer) that way when there's not enough room to cast you also have the option get into those small spaces too
  12. Seen socks before, belts, shoes, folex watches, religion, list goes on.
  13. With the increase in kayakers in every lake I see in PA, I just don't believe it'll ever be raised
  14. No mounts here, I decided I have enough dioramas of models then adding full size fish would add to even more work dusting. Figure a picture is good enough for me anyways
  15. I'm ready for not so much heat and rain that stains the water so easily here
  16. Insurance would cover my fishing gear along with other hobbies that aren't a concern in a catastrophe
  17. Wow... Phobia much?
  18. Sounds like the store employees are BS'ing customers so they could buy them when you guys leave
  19. They are being discontinued, they won't be advertised for that price. It will only show up when scanned
  20. Recently been to Erie and stickbaits caught more than anything else we used
  21. Trying to find reasons to buy more rods?
  22. For those of you wondering
  23. You can say the same thing about rods, sure the cheaper stuff can catch fish but the most of the more expensive stuff can help you out better fine tune everything
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