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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. It's not your actions in the wrong though.
  2. Way to go! Print and frame it!
  3. So we shore fish, no way around it for now, the biggest problem is boaters coming over after they see us bring in a bass. ticks me off to no end, especially when my wife is the one catching the fish. I never see a boat guy motor over to another boat and cast by them if they catch something. Yeah I know I don't own the lake, but common courtesy should be there for these types of guys too, some more respect for women as well Maybe they need to learn how to fish from my wife since she catches em and they don't
  4. Before replacing the heaters, make sure they dry out throughly, good chance they might still work
  5. What's making you think about a Soul? I hope it's not those fake advertisements about getting 5k more for your trade cause they hide that back in the price. As for new compact cars, look around at the small cars like civic/focus/corolla etc and you'll see they get the same mileage and have more room. If you're thinking about going off the unbeaten path in trails the biggest concern is debris since those types of roads aren't maintained, it would be awkward to back out of a long dirt road just because a 6" tree blocked the path On a side note, the biggest thing over looked in buying a new car is money. Auto industry presses the fact that MPG is key, BUT keeping a paid off 15mpg car is still cheaper than a new car with payments and 20mpg
  6. With this storm in my area you'd be lucky to find a road not closed next to the creeks/streams/river to even get to fish
  7. What you never seen him play? d**n if any little thing doesn't go his way he moaps/whines/cries about it on the field, check him out on the sideline after they don't make a goal. He's known for tossing playbooks. He always crys for a penalty if someone is 'near' him
  8. Al Davis
  9. I been trying to get my wife to buy some avid pearls, but she never wanted to try one in the store. Well that changed since she used my avid (which she claims now ) For now we picked up an ultralight quantum pink combo but the reel was junking out on her so we got the lady trion reel, would be nice if it was build up to standard trion specs. I think we'll end up picking a M and MH pearl up later, maybe get some curados custom painted to match
  10. They are, but still doesn't stop me from picking up premier most of the time over my avid or elites
  11. I guess it would depend on the price, if the model got upgraded though time and the older one was the same price then I wouldn't get it.
  12. Had that happen twice to me, never living next to a stream again that's for sure. Delaware river is suppose to crest at 31 ft, not nearly as bad as 2006 when it was 38.6ft. http://www.wfmz.com/news/Many-watch-as-rivers-rise-flooding-described-as-major/-/121458/689850/-/m4tl7dz/-/
  13. Hell, $75 for a Curado E.. Why not
  14. First thing comes to mind with that name is cry baby
  15. I bet whoever called you a snitch also cheats
  16. To put it simple, you married her, The level of commitment is written therefore it's known she is your priority in life.
  17. http://factoidz.com/top-10-bass-fishing-lakes-in-arkansas/
  18. I don't have any games on my iphone 4, I do use Fishing Times Lite, weather channel, Zap2it tv guide, local news app a lot though Gets annoying looking up the outdoor and vs channel listings and barely seeing fishing shows
  19. I'm with that guy
  20. It would help to know your price range
  21. Start small and sell cheap, if you got a good seller you can build off that with a 'name' in the book business
  22. Majority of Americans are sheep, that's how
  23. Welcome aboard! If you haven't already you can check out the Fishing Articles link at the top left of the screen
  24. Not sure about the xbox. iphone needs itunes in order to connect to a computer or to do anything, only thing so far you can access is photos through My Computer
  25. Congrats on the PB! We still need to make it out there since hearing about the big'uns
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