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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. Broken iphones? Nah. Now worn out iphones, yeah. I wore out my iphone4's home button in 13 months, which was one month over the warranty, they actually gave me a new one since I waiting in the store for 45min over the appointment time. Oh, forgot to mention, I don't like apple/mac's nor am a apple fanboy, but the iphone4 was a best smartphone option when I bought it at ATT. MY wife picked the Galaxy which is nice and the galaxy 2 should be a better competitor
  2. My eagles havent surprised me this year, their pee poor defensive line has finally poured over to their offensive line.
  3. Did you ever look into the folding fish nets?
  4. I think they misunderstood mcgruff about taking a bite out of crime
  5. Maybe it's lipstick
  6. Also, they are not the exact same
  7. Doesn't anyone buy chilton/haynes manuals for cars anymore?
  8. Sounds better than the Gibson guitar factory raid because of imported wood
  9. You missed the point, oakland fans are known to riot and burn things down
  10. Burn down? Where do you think you live, Oakland?
  11. This is what I use, all the other rods just sit back most of time. I'll sound crazy but I even throw light jigs with it too. Though the premier isn't the most sensitive in the price range it takes every beating I give it, notices all the subtle strikes, and serves me well
  12. Your rank is your pay grade, depending on the loan amount, how much your grade (pay) plays a factor on how much you can take out. This isn't the pre-Bush era where you can make 10K a year and pull a 300K mortgage loan anymore
  13. Make some plans to go out and eat, instead go fishing as a surprise
  14. I recently downgraded from a full fishing backpack to one of those real cheap satchels you see in every fishing department. Well I want something a bit bigger, more girth so I can double the tackle in it but I don't want a big tackle bag. I went to walmart the other day and saw a small flambeau kwikdraw that looked like the right size, but I'd rather get something with a full flap since the kwikdraw looks like it has a underwear strap. What options are out there for me? I don't want a true tackle bag because the box shape is awkward, and I can deal with a hip pack
  15. I stil use stren and triline 'cheapos' from time to time, not much wrong compared to the other monos
  16. The depth is usually written on the box, the actual depth can vary depending on line size, speed, and distance thrown but it's typically in the range listed on the box
  17. Internet is public, though not a public domain. Anyone with a net capable device and wifi can freely acess it, not to mention libraries/schools
  18. Seriously, your wife is right about the 2nd floor, swallow the 'man' pride of buying yourself and think of the family's safety first. You truly can't go wrong considering if her dad buys it outright and you got to pay and she decides to leave at least she will have somewhere to live supported by her father
  19. Yeah that's the whole point, something cheap to learn off of, yet not too small where I can't experiment with options or upgrading. trolling motors, currents, room, casting blah blah
  20. They friendly? Bags of wind? See them much? My locals are spread thin, very cool guys and willing to help, everything I expect out of a WCO, there's always time in the day for me to go over and chat about what's going on in the area about fish
  21. verbal is as far as it goes, sometimes an idiot has to be told he's an idiot
  22. What he said. You're in school, learn
  23. I've been tempted to bring out the musky rod , 6oz should be big enough to think twice
  24. Welcome aboard!
  25. Something used around 14-16', are their brands/models to avoid or recommend? Would be used in rivers and small non-powered lakes, Im guessing a semi v would be choice There an average weight limit for styles and lengths? motor/trolling motor/battery/carpet/fishing gear etc plus two people going to be overkill? More questions to come when I think of them
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