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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. Since I only shore fish the pointers I can give you is use heavier line, texas rig/bullet weight plastic worms with bargain hooks from a discount bin or outlet store and recon the area your fishing, learn the bottom where you fish to give you a better understanding on how to target the surroundings. It's tough on snags and there is little you can do to get it back but if the tug doesn't work walk up or down quite a way and try it again.
  2. As for the question, I don't care, there's enough wrong labeling that goes around to where you end up losing more anyway, another common is its the right price but the label is wrong since no one wants to print a new label It was retail stores that started the tag line. Another was if the price was mispriced they would give the lower amount regardless.
  3. Welcome aboard! Nice fish
  4. Born and raised here Wouldn't mind a meet up if the weather is good Yeah cabelas went nuts with rod types for a bit, good to see they reduced them, bad that I have one that needs to be returned under the 25 year warranty and the length isn't made anymore On that 51E you might not have enough room to cast far
  5. As for both being dramas, they still can't compare genres. I'm just glad these shows are good, SOA, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead.
  6. From what I've been hearing, sounds like he was a legend in the making
  7. I was thinking the rod manufacturers make it seem more feasible to have 7'6" and longer rods be Heavy action for choice
  8. When I said I checked out the Mojo I was pertaining to what my fishing stores have for a selection in 7'6", which I find is very poor. It seems like whenever I want to look at a new rod somewhere the only ones that are paid the most attention are 6-7' mediums and medium heavys, so it's very slim on me checking out something outside that range just to compare. When it comes to sea rods they're usually over 7 foot but mostly thicker and don't have the same feel as a fresh rod. The part about distance doesn't bother me, it's trying to get more length out from fishing parallel to the shore, I find certain areas I would benefit from extending out a few more inches Yeah, it looks like the 764 is a heavy
  9. Who the hell is crying? OP made a rant and I'm confirming it with facts. You been here for one month and have no etiquette here, grow up.
  10. Our DNR doesn't patrol our open waterways, they only cover state parks. If there is a lake in that state park then yes they would be there and park rangers. Problem is this state's Water Conservation is under it's own department (PFBC) which is underfunded by license sales, which have been declining the last few decades. It's a system that's failing since there's few resources for understaffed officers, PA's officers are under 100 total, my regional office is over 80 miles away, there's only two full time officers in my area that spans around 100 miles, talk about spread thin cause of hunting, we're like this all year round.
  11. Well keeper was a term known as a maintainer, like store or inn, I don't believe it has to do about fishing that far back in time. Any other info you can add?
  12. Its just a thought, lately I've been running into being a few inches short retrieving and not missing the shore weeds I'll look into the 764. Snook, I was actually checking out the only offering by st Croix which was a mojo inshore 7'6MHF
  13. Whatever, apparently you don't live here or understand, even the WCO's will tell you the same thing. There's not enough resourses to go around. Nice to know in your area people will kill for a fish.
  14. This isnt new, the state can only do so much, it's something the average angler deals with here
  15. I agree, unfortunately when they speak the language that's what they are, there's no national bash its just who they are and no one is hating against the whole nationality. Same thing when you go to another country they do the same thing
  16. So if a bunch of guys would catch and keep everything, which includes well undersized bass, you think it doesn't hurt the population and it's his honest mans fault for not catching anything. Amazing. All I hear on forums is catch and release to help the bass. Well figure these people come in and care less about size and limit numbers, maybe then you'll understand how difficult it is to fish this area. Also think about all the junk they bring, they throw it in the water when they leave.
  17. Fellow minsi fisherman, I probably ran into you once before up there, I'm usually with my wife when I go up. I'm always wearing a St Croix hat With the frogs, the misses could more of a line issue, whenever I frog up there I get plenty of hits but I don't use braid for the best hookup, since mono is on my multiuse setup. Magtouch's don't have any cork, that's the design for full sensitivity, I was just up at cabelas today playing with the xmlti 7' heavy, it seems good. You also have to check the models since they have technique specifics, the worm and jig should be a medium heavy but it has a higher rating Message sent
  18. Can someone care to explain why there's not many choices in 7'6" medium heavy fast action rods? I like my 7' medium heavy fast rod I have but was thinking on going a bit longer.
  19. Seems twice a year this question comes up about the mojos, so here's a difference in the three: Triumph - Made in Mexico, Paint job, Black Guide Frames, Full Cork, ECS or TCS Reel Seats Mojo - Made in Mexico, Paint job, Black Chrome Guide Frames, Split Grip Only, ECS Reel Seats Premier - Made in USA, Paint job, Black Chrome Guide Frames, Full Cork and Several Split Models, ECS or TCS Reel Seats They all have: SCII Graphite Baston Forcast Hard Aluminum Oxide Guides Spinning Models have DPS Seats
  20. tomustang


    Anything but Gospel
  21. The Ti and XML's are good deals when they're on clearance As for a heavy rod, where in pa are you fishing?
  22. Officially it's 18 by government standard (you can vote, join army, rifles, held accountable in a court of law, etc), but it depends on what private sector you look into, most car rentals only allow 25+
  23. If your around a dicks sporting goods, they have some on 25% clearance
  24. I know what you mean. From philly to scranton these guys keep everything, from small panfish to undersized bass. They roll up speaking only in russian and use beeping devices. It's been known they screwed up the bass population up in Lake Wallenpaupack years back. Biggest problem is if you say something to them they act like they can't understand you, when you get on the phone in front of them about fishing conservation they disappear.
  25. Wait, does this mean you're dating a Fishing Rod, Reel, Line, Leader, or Knot?
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