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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. Yes, the "World Muskie Alliance" who says musky are only in "North America" Hello irony!
  2. I remember I read somewhere on my state fishing website about reports of bigger fish having more contaminates in them since their longer lifespan. Then again most of our state waters are polluted to where everything is limited to consume
  3. Hope you got your family stuff situated before a move
  4. Figure I see more dead after a catch it would be a waste of good meat to let it go. I'd rather see them go but when they're that big its a miracle if they survive after the fight alone
  5. By boca grip. It's not hard to have a human floor scale on a charter boat, all that needs to be done is tare the person out holding an esox
  6. How come the charter didn't have a scale?
  7. You can thank california for that. Their proposition warning labels cause more harm than the item it's put on
  8. Crap, I don't stop. Isn't even bad yet
  9. Not to mention, prisoners have way too many rights now
  10. Love the editing Way to go on your first bow
  11. that would be the Lightning Rod Shock, not to be confused with the Lightning Rod
  12. Guys keep it on topic or I'll have to close this thread
  13. Needs bigger hooks for muskys I always wanted to make a lure out of a toy duck
  14. I'll go if you're buying Glenn
  15. Something similar, I have the 'It pees off the boat guys' which ruins the time when they vulture over to you cause you land something from the shore. Guess it's just a select few but there's always one. I'm the same way, If I do good I'll stop for a bit and coach or take less pressure out of the water. Regaurdless I'd still like to see someone else have a good time other than me
  16. Care to elaborate? I'd like to know
  17. Any camera would work, most if not every camera has the threading at the bottom for tripods. Choice for you is what's in your price range for both, it doesn't nessisarly need to be waterproof But you can find digital water cameras for around $100
  18. Well pros have the power of editors
  19. Ah funny stuff
  20. With all these cranks you got not knowing depth, you have to also remember if their sinking, suspending or floating too. The marker on the bill works, you can also use a scratch awl or other needle thin device to scratch in the claimed depth
  21. Lip piercings and dragging them through 'whatnot' isn't upmost respect
  22. So at Dicks and Cabelas I'm noticing diminishing prices for pline, with no added stock. They revamping their CX line or they dropping like my Gamma did?
  23. More PLine... Instead of buying, had a spinner taken away by a pickerel
  24. The size is the vantage point, what got me was a clearance sale. Got enough to last a while until I find another clearance.
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