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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. I have no reason to change, I don't have the breakage problems with CX
  2. Well you always got the '96 SB tape to watch hehe
  3. This story still going around? You know teams are responsible for style changes right
  4. I'm left handed, so I think I'm a lefty.
  5. But there's always suppose to be spare parts
  6. Since you are starting out, save it if you have the means. No reason to drop such a good reel when you might expand your experiences.
  7. Well the 301E is a great reel, but not for what you'd probably want to do, it's good for bigger baits and heavier line. I started baitcasting with one on a MH since I got it half off and did fine with it, but the 200 size is more suited for medium rods.
  8. You should look into those rubbery catch and release nets, use that as a base and break of the handle, then create a drawstring top on it. They might have larger sizes available
  9. I can't see a mesh bag holding up to top fins too well, I have a mesh laundry bag and clothing buttons rip it apart in time, also the cloth mesh will rub off the protective slime easier
  10. I've read comments like that all the time, one of the reasons why I keep picking up curados is that I'm use to them and other reels might have a different effect on my throwing ability and setup
  11. I find it easy to throw 1/8oz on a 200, only been baitcasting for a half a year, but I constantly throw 1/8 with a small grub without problems. I did buy a 50 so I can try lighter but I can throw 1/8 just as easy on both 50 and 200. My wife and I were contemplating on some premier 7'6" L rods to further the experence
  12. Matter of opinion, I think stren mono is one of the worse lines on the market. Never had any other line have such spool memory, have lines break mysteriously during backlashes, an have such a long stretch.
  13. Is it really that hard to throw 1/8oz with a 100-200 size reel?
  14. It's a movie about a horse, what is there to expect...
  15. Those division rivalries aren't as big as the most popular ones in the NFL, take a look at the NFC East for example.. Go Raiders, stay in the game!
  16. http://www.texasgunlaws.org/ Motorist Protection Act Which allows you to do so if you choose http://www.legis.state.tx.us/tlodocs/80R/billtext/html/HB01815F.HTM
  17. Sorry man, didn't mean to imply it that way, I use emoticons when I type blunt but on mobile-full site there's no way to pop up the emoticons this way
  18. Excellent choice, love my MH/F avid
  19. For a 1/4oz, the 200 does great, not even including a 50. Could just be my style of throwing....
  20. The FCC and DOJ have been blocking this deal since it started, what else was Att suppose to do. I don't know why I typed this since someone will probably delete it for some reason.
  21. Wow, really...
  22. Yep, hate that stuff. Think the only thing I haven't tried was using big hooks (6/0+) to actually get a hook set. I seldom find 2-3lbers in there. It only catch them outside it, like they got a tunnel system going on
  23. Well he is bigger than Jesus right now
  24. Wish I did, was from another forum where NFL is serious
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