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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. Welcome aboard fellew pennsy member!
  2. Why the Enigma? The only thing that's tauted for is anti-backlashing for beginners..
  3. I guess what makes this controversy is the kid goes to a troubled youth school. If the kid didn't impose what's questioned that just shows how much faith we have on counciling youth to better themselves BUT like what's already been said, don't know anything else about him besides him getting rescued by firefighters over a candlefire at the age of four.
  4. Well, the two DSG's by me have terrible selections, The Cabelas (,>50mi) has more stocked goods than my closest BPS (>120mi) so I'm going with Cabelas. It's a a shame, I've been to the BPS in harrisburg 3 times and they still don't carry a decent selection of St Croix rods. The Cabelas closer to me has a bigger rod selection them too.
  5. A bit too far from me, but how far you looking to go atleast?
  6. The message is "We're chrysler, in order for us to be bought by Fiat, we need to sell cars to look profitable so we can be sold out." I don't see that being the American message clint eastwood was saying, but that's what's been said.
  7. The 51E's are still around, but you have to be weary since there is a small batch of bad ones out there. First go up the road and check out cabelas bargin cave, there might be one hiding.
  8. welcome aboard!
  9. I quit.
  10. Welcome aboard! Tell TomA and TomC to stop by
  11. Since I paint a lot of small items I use a variety of hemostats, spring clamps, alligator clips on helping hands, reverse tweezers, and small vises. When I paint I also use a latex glove on the hand I'm holding the object I'm going to spray.
  12. I would hope no comparison would be done with private water holes
  13. 5%, 95%... I dont care, catchin is catchin
  14. Your best bet is to go to a shop and try out L and R of the same reel and figure what works for you. Their should be an instant choice on what's more comfortable.
  15. I shore fish all the time, does that mean you think I waste my time everytime I fish?
  16. You want a cookie?
  17. Welcome aboard Mike!
  18. I wonder if they hand out permission slips to buyers to recite what their using if someone asks
  19. That was one of the funniest out of all the cky clips, those cky tapes were cool. Loved the rental car skit when Rake thought it was cool to light the stereo on fire... LOL
  20. Tammy Poss needs to learn about copyright infringement before posting things like that.
  21. Curado 51E, only reel I've tried small enough
  22. Welcome aboard
  23. The smart thing would've been not being roped into going to the shoe store
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