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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. I also send pm's from a mobile device, iphone4. The emoticons just aren't there though
  2. There is more than having a scale certified, you need calibrations, annual certified inspections, daily inspections, and random inspections because of movement in this case since you are transporting the scale. Any bump will throw precision equipment out of whack. I use to check hundreds of precision tools monthly too make sure they were in speck because it's the requirement. Driving around streets is not a safe way to keep a scale accurate. They are, considering we're the most understaffed state. under our circumstances to check a record takes hours if not a few days and is encouraged to keep the fish in ice cold water until an officer is able to come verify, after this the catch needs to be brought to a certified weight station like a grocery store or registered bait shop But really though, do you think biologists need to be on-call every minute to validate record fish? It does seem overboard.
  3. No, the reason it's unofficial is because the guy didn't want to kill the fish.
  4. Since I've worked in a QC environment before, I know the cost of having scales calibrated, for every state fish agent would be too costly, you have to imagine that every little bump that a scale gets from transport would have to recalibrated to be correct
  5. Unofficial, you know fish tend to shrink and lose some weight when their out of water, so that fish might've not even beat the record.
  6. I agree bro, being a retired millwright with no college education I can tell you I've ran into many of them guys in my times, some I've saved their lives.
  7. Sure thing, was thinking on doing some recon tomorrow
  8. I forgot all about that p[lace, I should hit that up some day
  9. Who said we're comparing heroin to bait, I am further backing up opposition. No one needs to try it to knock it.
  10. In my tri-state area pa-nj-ny, it is more common for trade jobs to have college degrees now, which is a joke.
  11. That's be about 2 1/2-3lber here, about the scale posted in the link, those weights are like 2lbs over what's up here
  12. Way to go man, nice football!
  13. Well of course, I also oppose heroin, but I don't need to try it to know I don't like it.
  14. I don't have doubts in the schooling baits, but still see it as dynamite or a casting net. I just think if you need more than one lure to catch fish then you're missing the point of fishing, just my opinion
  15. I know in my state you can purchase a map that shows bounderies of private property around areas of water, you can check to see if there's something similar in your state. Also you can call your local fish commison office and ask of there's a public acess point
  16. Get a good lawyer, Same stuff happened to my brother. Once his ex screwed up with the law there was enough ammo to turn custody over to him, case worker that took his ex's side also got the boot.
  17. Don't know, but you might get sued for saying their name on the internet.
  18. I usually leave them in the bag and use a 10/0 extra wide gap hook texas rigged in the bag But seriously, one of the reasons to have soft plastic baits is to have a lot of movement in them, you'd be defeating the purpose if you didn't let it have as much action.
  19. Because its a dropshot rig, not a ultralight rig
  20. I use ultralight, due to the muck I'm forced to use 6lb line way too much though. I see the setup as a double for panfish anyway.
  21. I know where you're coming from with this response, but it's still surprises me that states have size/keep limits allowable. I know my state isn't big on musky population at all and still there is catch/keep rules, the conserving is based on the angler in this point. You would think if they impact was so large they would be catch/release everywhere.
  22. The biggest problem my closest hole for musky is that they die after most release, not sure how long the landing is since they are found dead up by the shore a few days after some caught them. Usually 4' in length. Bad enough I barely see anyone even fishing for musky up there but hear there's several people to do. The heavier setup will land faster and more efficient She's well versed in baitcasting, the problem is her size since she's only 5", does good with 7' bass rods but whipping a broomstick might seem troublesome
  23. Life Alert and a .44 Mag should help you out with that
  24. Eventually I'd like to get my wife a setup too, but something on the lighter side, I know they make rods all the way down to medium, but what kind of baits would be good for medium?
  25. Average size line mono/braid, Musky rod actions, Most common reels, Leaders Right now I have a St Croix Premier Musky 7'6" Heavy/Fast with a Curado 301E/80lb braid and some 80lb steel leaders sitting around, no baits though
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