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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. To rule out if there's pesky bluegills chomping on your tail, downgrade your bait with a small hook and see if you'll catch anything.
  2. Bad enough it took shimano long enough to make a cranking reel in lefty
  3. That's ok, first fish I caught this year was a perch too, on a 3" swimbait
  4. Craw dads, really don't see why more people buy these
  5. I gotta say walmart is the golden standard for what's to come when seeing how people act in public. I remember one of first things that I've seen there years ago were people shopping in their pajamas a decade ago, I use to think 'yeah that's walmart people' but here it is a decade later and I see it happen more in public now.
  6. Welcome aboard, again
  7. Glenn I think you're forgetting that a K-mart would have more cash in hand than say a Nordstroms or Tiffanys since people that shop there mainly use credit.
  8. See, there's another reason why I left california. Paying fees to fish a lake is not acceptable in my book
  9. Good to know the action was there
  10. I'll try this again. Anyone is allowed to post this weeks new photos of anything fishing related, that includes boats, tackle, gear, fish, scenery of a visited lake, bait shop, rigs, etc. Crappie today A terrible lake to fish since its shallow and like a huge grassmat
  11. Well this didn't turn out like I hoped, expected to see lots of photos of anything related fishing. I'll start a new thread for the week and if it fails again ill leave it go. In my area that's like that everywhere, sometimes even a small panfish is good enough
  12. I would suggest you try out newer rods then, I know my walmart has clearanced the conolon rods so you can start there
  13. Look at the panfish rods, it'll make you forget about that hook keeper altogether
  14. No one would poach in a civilized society
  15. If its on your neighbors private property, than those poachers that come around to steal his livestock should be met with a gun
  16. I use a bass whistle
  17. Holy Crap, I'm not the only one anymore. I'm actually trying out C21 now, been just a few days use but I can say it's a little bit stiffer than CX and doesn't have the fluro coating which is something I was looking to get back to since Gamma doesn't know how to stock a fishing store shelf anymore.
  18. I've been hit with a forklift, new kids...
  19. You have to take into account that she's still young, non smoke/drinker...
  20. Cabelas also has a backpack with a separate cooler compartment. Best advice for you is to fillet right after you catch and throw it in the bag.
  21. I see more people wasting their time with them than catching anything, who knows maybe all the fish here are burned out on them. They don't spend much time on my line because they haven't produced for me yet. All it takes is for me to switch to a crank or a jig and I'm back to producing.
  22. If you want to get into advertising I'd suggest what everyone else didn't, the extracurricular activities. Some form of acting/stage and a debate team will help your interacting in front of crowds, it'll build confidence when your peddling something
  23. Yeah photoshop does wonders, airbrushing should be illegal just like steroids are for sports.
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