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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. I wanted my dad to get better gear since most of his... well all of his stuff is junk. So I told him to pick out some Lighting Shocks since they're probably some of the better choices when it comes to a budget rod. Well I took it out all this month. I worked with the 6'6" Medium/Fast and put a Curado 51E on it with 8lb copoly. Fished it several times this month and satisfying results. Although my area sucks for bass right now I did hook up on a bunch of trout, crappie, perch, pickerel in the 1lb range and a couple pickerel in the 2-3lb range. Mainly using inline spinners, swim jigs/baits ranging from 1/16th to 1/4" the rod held together nice and provided enough strength and action for an enjoyable time, to the point when I built more confidence in the rod. I must say I'm impressed with the price vs performance of this rod. At the time, late last year purchased, they were somewhere in the range of $30-35 at cabelas.
  2. Even a used st croix rod isn't bad, I suggest looking around for a deal on any rod they make
  3. Because I'm allergic to Bull***
  4. When you're not fishing. Perhaps clothes, hats, a sticker on your car? Maybe even one of those Hook Hat clips... I usually wear a st croix hat with my fishing license on it the majority of the time.
  5. I don't get these guys, I see them everywhere. If I'm at a lake, some dudes wearing a Loomis hat fishing 2 different Abu rods, Go into a sports shop, some dudes wearing a Loomis hat looking at dobyns or lamaglas rods. I see a truck with a huge Loomis logo on it and the guy pulls out shakesphere or okuma combos... Roughly I see more people sporting Loomis apparel then actually using something from them to fish. Am I missing something? Is it to make them look cooler than everyone else?
  6. The point of a random consumer giving their input is somewhat useless, since you have no idea what the guy does with the rod, how he fishes, or even how responsible they are. You are better off looking on forums for a better detailed review, at least then you can see a better background on the person giving their opinion
  7. I try to make it a goal for my wife to outfish me, doesn't work too well though
  8. Nothing but rain this weekend
  9. How about a ballerina then?
  10. If you can't, or they don't make one, you can always buy a rattle can and spray some
  11. Hey Chris, you forgot to mention 5 years ago someone who was keeping bass greatly increased the chance of that 5lber growing up to be what it is so you have the opportunity to catch it next year. After all bass are cannibals, and love eating their own
  12. Best and $150 don't work. Look for a used one for that price..
  13. To sum it up, your cuttin the backbone, not the top, so action won't be affected but the length the backbone can pull on will take more load
  14. Nothing wrong with it, would be a harder part in time to do so since the spawn season is restricted on keepers in most parts
  15. Who's most? Every Walmart I go into has like 100 of them
  16. Some of the items werent bad. Really though they ripped off the clearance prices off somewhat decade old stuff and made them the highest price today, to add the % off.
  17. It's common knowledge for anyone whose been to a physical therapist or pain specialist. A brace is a device to prevent the wrong movement or to heal a location without interruption. Ice/Heat method is basically: Ice for inflammation, and Heat for stiffness And while we're on the subject, Prevention. Exercise and strengthen the areas where you going to overuse them to prepare them for the level of work their going to provide.
  18. How do you know the 8lb weight is actually 8lbs. Now if you can verify the weight from a certified scale at least you be able to do a better home test
  19. And get ready to bend over and take it. Sorry but If that's apart of the job then the job better come with a cell phone and paid compensation to bother me at any hour of the day, unfortunately that's not the case in non-on-call jobs.
  20. That's a whole different can of worms, it's not an easy transition from going from 24/7 anything can happen situation dedicate your time to the service then just get out. Doing a 180 is more like it. That's not life, that's life you chose
  21. I'll admit when I see someone get a strike and set that hook, I watch for the entertainment factor, not the what did he catch but the silly body movements people make trying to reel whatever is on their line. Many people go overboard swinging at the fences, jump on their tiptoes, or even wrenching in a 1lber. Shear enjoyment. But there's the negative like when watching pros get over excited and it looks like their are punching the fish or getting a ignorant attitude while holding it, Reese and Iaconelli come to mind.
  22. I just started pushing them on to my wife, she loves them, they kill on the water and they are so much cheaper than all the others
  23. I had a boss call me once, on my personal time... He never heard so many curse words in his life. My time is MY time.
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