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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. I'm more of a merc guy myself but I don't see the engine kickstand for when you raise the motor all the way up. The purpose of the lower revs on the hose is because you can't get enough water pressure from a hose for the increase in water pump speed.
  2. How much is it going up to hootie? We dropped to 2.40 right now
  3. Not all hulls are simlilar, finding out the right trim angle is up to you. Only thing that the same is you trim all the way down to launch and you trim up to get the most speed. You can overtrim though so you got to find out where the limit is.
  4. Their service is top notch. Another reason why I have two full lockers of them.
  5. I have mutiples, have the pdfs in the phone. Never had a problem with wardens and all the fish cops know me. I don't carry my fishing licence and my wallet with me, maybe in a nicer area but not here.
  6. Constantly, since the dawn of the lake. It's local politics.
  7. Already 5 pages, all because one guy hated coke so much he wrote an article slandering it?
  8. I have seen this before in stores and at fishing shows, they forget to add the writing on them in various spots at times. These rods are very inconsistent when it comes to quality control
  9. Lowrance+gofree+wifi=convenience
  10. Just direct tie. Only snap I use is on crankbaits
  11. I couldn't do that, way too much to enter in. I have some for the rods\reels\combos though
  12. Wont be as glittery
  13. We can do better than that
  14. What no tire deflate ring pic posted yet?
  15. Lefty here, reel lefty with both reels, cast rightly. It's all about dominants. You're doing two different motions and need the preferred hand to do it, to some it's the same hand.
  16. I like my trailer dolly, makes moving much easier when I need to. Bet it's even easier with a aluminum boat
  17. Dont know what nrx spinning rod it is but why are you bringing it up while talking about a cranking rod??
  18. It won't matter, they'll pull more tricks out of their hat to compensate
  19. Most people will pick a black and a white since they are at both sides of the color choices. Makes sense if you don't want to mow through 50 greens to find a color you and the fish will like when all the fish really wants is a lure with action
  20. Walmart.
  21. Waking up early.
  22. He's going to be nailed to the wall
  23. Chirp on left, 200 on right, off a standard transducer and same settings:
  24. Photo would help, also whats your settings?
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