I know them well enough to see them fish since I'm out on the water more than anyone else in this area. I see them, I know how they fish, what gear they wear, what style they fish, and where they fish. This is more than just bumping into one guy somewhere and making an assumption or judging after one occurrence. I see it a lot, like I mentioned. If they own a Loomis rod then they are just collecting them. I figured since this is big in my area I would think others would post something similar if it's everywhere else too, not to have you tear my post apart and think
I'm hating people. That's how threads close.
One of the biggest trends of last year was wearing Tap Out clothing, darn well 99% of the people wearing them don't dabble in the martial arts. Yeah I get it, It's cool looking, they like it. But I see fishing having more of a pride in what you do, how you act and perceive yourself out on the water, would think you supported what you used and one of those ways is advertizing. If you like an item you buy apparel to show you like it, most importantly to the manufacturer is they are getting free advertizing. When I see a logo anywhere I also see the 2nd message which is advertizing, we all know how it works, more ads = more customers, in another sense you don't see sponsors allowing the anglers wearing their competition since it wouldn't make sense.
So since my run ins with people wearing Loomis clothing, I should base my analysis that Loomis has cool clothes and not cool gear. Get it?
It would make sense to mark them up if it's popular then supply/demand heh
I would agree with what you say, but you own Loomis rods and use them exclusively, you didn't buy the other rods you were just checking them out, but really though you're not buying a shirt that says "Ugly Stik" on it.
Everything has a stereotype in this world, like it or not, agree to disagree they are out there I'm a quarter Polish, so you know why I don't own a submarine
Well if you own both you can't be a poseur, now if you knew someone who touted nike all day and you always say him wearing champion that'd be different.
To me, for example: I like rage tails, I would like them to be around so I keep buying their stuff, now would I buy their closest competitors shirt that I don't use and show everyone that? Doesn't make sense that I would then.