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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. Depends what I'm using, I usually tie on a hard/solid bait since they don't go bad. Once I go out I'll do a few tugs to make it sure it's tight
  2. I agree, probably one of the below the overrating rods they make. If you're looking to throw 1/2oz and say you can chuck 1/4oz with ease in a MH, then stick with a MH. Code tags aren't needed to post a reply
  3. That's odd since most of the people I run into using them love throwing them in the weeds
  4. I have a bunch of them, let me know when you want to use them, I got them up to 5/8 The vibrax are easier to throw than the mepps since they have a more centered weight.
  5. Funny you mention it, I was just at cabelas and they still had a 100D in the display case next to the newer shimano linup
  6. Only thing I'm surprised about is that Loomis clothing is trendy in fishing. Sorry but the truth is still there, that a logo also holds the meaning of advertizing. I'm not like the rest of mainstream america where I offend easily, seems like you're the biggest person taking offense in here. Ah yes you know me so well. When I started out I seen the logo around and thought it looked cool too, but when you're representing a company but can't show it off it doesn't help me look more into them. I'm the same way, and would do the same. I'm proud to use his rage and whenever people ask what I'm using to bring those fish in I don't have a problem telling them, heck I will even name the closest stores where they can get them. I didn't think there would be some people that grumble over a simple conversation.
  7. Just about every forum I'm on theres this section, I don't see one here, any reason why?
  8. As I'm curious, How long does a skin mount last vs a replica? Also, since replicas seem to be a better choice from what you're saying, is there a chart or checklist on how to measure/record a bass, besides Length/Width/Girth
  9. Just curious, what kind of mileage you getting with it?
  10. www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZILpOVjcT5c Sorry I don't know how to embed here
  11. Save half in accounts, spend/invest in the other half
  12. Well I have never tried the same size line on the 50 and 200, when you tried the two did they have the same line on?
  13. Doesn't that soak into the skin though? heh I wouldn't mind doing something like that but break-ins are popular here
  14. Am I missing something here? I notice that these aren't that much talked about of lure to use since I don't see anything about them besides relating to trout. I've caught several large/smalls on them so I know their effective, but what's everyone's take on them? Is there a reason they aren't so popular?
  15. So I take it these are randomized samples, I hope I get some 4 or 5/0s
  16. I actually carry one rod, listed in my sig and I'm very versatile with the setup. It took time but it's the opposite of having a combo for every rig, I adjust to everything I put on from the hook setting to the drag to the reeling in. It can be done, you just have to go easier until you get to the comfort zone with what rig you're using. My favorite technique is using crankbaits and I use the MHF to do it. This keeps me from buying a dedicated crankbait rod which I still want though.
  17. Ok, I do the laundry and for anyone that does too knows things stick to velcro, since I have some on my cargo pockets So.... years ago.... The dryer was finished with my load and put some freshly dried cargo pants on and left for work, not knowing for a little over half the shift I had a pair of my wife's panties stuck onto the side cargo pocket, man was I beet red.
  18. You're kidding right? Wait I forgot Fox shows poker matches all the time so I wouldn't doubt it.
  19. I know them well enough to see them fish since I'm out on the water more than anyone else in this area. I see them, I know how they fish, what gear they wear, what style they fish, and where they fish. This is more than just bumping into one guy somewhere and making an assumption or judging after one occurrence. I see it a lot, like I mentioned. If they own a Loomis rod then they are just collecting them. I figured since this is big in my area I would think others would post something similar if it's everywhere else too, not to have you tear my post apart and think I'm hating people. That's how threads close. One of the biggest trends of last year was wearing Tap Out clothing, darn well 99% of the people wearing them don't dabble in the martial arts. Yeah I get it, It's cool looking, they like it. But I see fishing having more of a pride in what you do, how you act and perceive yourself out on the water, would think you supported what you used and one of those ways is advertizing. If you like an item you buy apparel to show you like it, most importantly to the manufacturer is they are getting free advertizing. When I see a logo anywhere I also see the 2nd message which is advertizing, we all know how it works, more ads = more customers, in another sense you don't see sponsors allowing the anglers wearing their competition since it wouldn't make sense. So since my run ins with people wearing Loomis clothing, I should base my analysis that Loomis has cool clothes and not cool gear. Get it? It would make sense to mark them up if it's popular then supply/demand heh I would agree with what you say, but you own Loomis rods and use them exclusively, you didn't buy the other rods you were just checking them out, but really though you're not buying a shirt that says "Ugly Stik" on it. Everything has a stereotype in this world, like it or not, agree to disagree they are out there I'm a quarter Polish, so you know why I don't own a submarine Well if you own both you can't be a poseur, now if you knew someone who touted nike all day and you always say him wearing champion that'd be different. To me, for example: I like rage tails, I would like them to be around so I keep buying their stuff, now would I buy their closest competitors shirt that I don't use and show everyone that? Doesn't make sense that I would then.
  20. Now that's a clearance price, see up here our's are down to $25, not really a sale price from the $35 tag. I swear our local wally's can't clearance a price to save themselves
  21. Why? because I'm pointing something I see a lot of when I'm out fishing or doing something related.. it's an observation I'm sharing, there's no bashing hence I'm not alone out here, geez.
  22. Why are you insinuating suicide ???
  23. You could always center the weight and use the Wacky O ring tool
  24. Manly Man of the Year award right here ^
  25. You guys are missing the point, there's never a Loomis rod around them. At least you guys own the product or went to a school. If theses guys are so big into the product don't ya think you actually see them using one at least one time, cause I don't and I run into them a lot It's a bit funny since the Loomis stereotype only uses Loomis rods and looks at everything else as severely below them, then see the exact opposite when your out on the water
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