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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. I see your point, my area is much different. Such poor conditions to fish its more like you have to tell others. There are the idiots out there though I admit that, but hearing about locations help me out.
  2. For cheap, I usually buy when the seasons over, can't beat the 'make way for the next season items' price
  3. I wouldn't doubt Croppie is better TV word, I do find it amusing when a mom walks her kids out by the water and asks if we're catching anything, "some crap-pe" with her kids chuckle and the moms face beet red
  4. When a passerby will strike up a convo since he noticed a common ground it might lead you to a honey hole,where theyre hitting, or at the least a good story.
  5. Looks like the dorsal fins are slightly separated, judging by the dark of your jacket showing through it. I'm going with largemouth. The easiest way to tell is the mouth, but you have to have it closed to check, spotted have a similar jawline like smallies, where the mouth doesn't go far beyond the eye, whereas largest jawline goes well beyond it
  6. How's your regions tounge when it comes to saying crappie? Do you hear/say Crap-pe or Crop-ee more? I hear Crap-pe more often. Or perhaps you hear these instead: papermouths, strawberry bass, speckled bass or specks, speckled perch, calico bass, sacaulait, oswego
  7. Everyone knows when fishing you'll eventually lose a lure. Right now I'm about 2 lost to 1 found ratio. I don't lose much and don't find much.
  8. Our freezing nights are killing the opportunity of a good spawn, saw the couples troll around but all the cold fronts at night after every nice warm day keeps pushing them out back to the deeps, which could be miles away since local waters are shallow. Add the lack of rain (low water) and lack of vegetation growing.... Not good at all.
  9. This sites flea market section
  10. Nice footballs
  11. Congrats Tyler! Nothing better than being in the record books! Must be 18..
  12. Not bad though, I get that in my little suv
  13. I deal with the same, but still almost everywhere I go provides assistants, walmart does provide carts Glad to know there's another on the forums in a similar situation
  14. If you're collecting/asking what they're worth, get some collectors books before you buy them
  15. At first I was reading your post down to this And I thought you must be from around here, then I checked your location and I was right!
  16. Better get the coffee and aspirin for the morning
  17. There's has been complaints about flouroclear popping off at the line, I myself included. In fact there's many on this site that don't like P-Line CX for that same reason
  18. Welcome aboard
  19. I have to ask, did you at least register the Rage rod?
  20. Think the price on the display tag was $199
  21. If I recall right, I measured my curado 201E @7.70 oz, and my wife's citica 200e @ 7.75oz
  22. Unfortunately the original price, after I saw that I threw up a little and tried to forget about it
  23. better check craigslist quick!
  24. This has been going on for months, $5 raps, $3 bombers, and in soft plastics are $2 Yums which are mostly creatures. Best suggestion is: Each walmart is different so travel to other ones around you and you might find all the other clearance items like spinnerbaits going for $1-2, strike king skirted jigs for $1, etc I have to warn you though, not every walmart has a set price for clearance, so they vary.
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