I'm finding more often that good selling items are out of stock in stores, which doesn't really make sense.
I hardly ever buy online and rather try something out in-store over it. But it seems like its getting worse. This week I went up to a cabelas to purchase an avid yet to my surprise they didn't have any of the baitcasting models in stock, even worse is the one guy checked the system and he told me they don't even carry those models, but really I bought two from them less than 6 months ago. Further down the line 100+mi BPS lacks a good selection and isnt even worth the trip. So I had to take the online road and ordered. Looks like this is going to be what I'm going to have to do. I actually like going in stores and pickin up more then what I came for but since certain items won't allow that I'll miss it a bit.
What's your take, do you order online or rather go in store?