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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. If you asked this last week I would have said without a doubt my St. Croix premier 5' ULM, I have caught more fish on it than any other rod I own since it was the most enjoyable. But, since I ran into a huge carp with my Avid 7' MHF and fought with it for over 20 minutes and the battle for lost and gained ground was 10 feet many times, I have to say the Avid now.
  2. The cover of what your fishing would help decide, if I was fishing in any resistance I would choose a heavier rod to help pull through it.
  3. Follow the specifications on the rod for their intended weights/line for optimum usability.
  4. There is no standard for line diameter. So there isnt a guide all of them can go by.
  5. Learning one braid knot isn't hard and carrying scissors will fix 2 of this problems. Far as the price goes its not bad considering braid can last longer which means less purchasing
  6. $35 to disclose your honey holes and secret lures? Sounds as bad as angieslist.
  7. No way near 5lbs
  8. Well have you seen the replies about people talking about the cumara being a better deal over the nrx, it takes sales away from a more profitable rod within the company. competing with yourself is not good business practice.
  9. Two sides of coin Sales are too good that it's biting into the sale of one other product Or Their making a revision, like a reel seat
  10. Welcome aboard!
  11. 18 pounds, 4 ounce
  12. I would check to see if there's any reports about listed by whoever did the work, if they restocked they should have data on casualties since they needed to restock
  13. I know that the lady combos come in two types, ultralight and mediums. For frogs it's better to have a heavier rod like a Med-Heavy or Heavy for getting that hook set and dragging them out of the slop. When I was looking around for a frog setup the most used lines were 50-65lb braid. There's a link on here that was useful when I was looking into frogging last year http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/frog_baits.html If you don't want to go the heavier route you can choose soft plastics with a texas rig, there's a lot of options for them
  14. For a quick identification, Largemouth have a black lateral line in appearance, also in certain shots you can see the jawline goes past the eye. Cool video, and welcome to the site
  15. Besides the species, your surroundings will affect what to use.
  16. Such a noble action to volunteer, I appreciate your cander. I have to ask, where there any kind of aids or assistance devices used to make fishing easier, like railing systems or rod handling tools for easier use?
  17. I'm finding more often that good selling items are out of stock in stores, which doesn't really make sense. I hardly ever buy online and rather try something out in-store over it. But it seems like its getting worse. This week I went up to a cabelas to purchase an avid yet to my surprise they didn't have any of the baitcasting models in stock, even worse is the one guy checked the system and he told me they don't even carry those models, but really I bought two from them less than 6 months ago. Further down the line 100+mi BPS lacks a good selection and isnt even worth the trip. So I had to take the online road and ordered. Looks like this is going to be what I'm going to have to do. I actually like going in stores and pickin up more then what I came for but since certain items won't allow that I'll miss it a bit. What's your take, do you order online or rather go in store?
  18. I know your POV, I bet your well oiled machine (business) runs better than the one he's apart of. Unfortunately many of the other companies out there have higher up employees that screw up and cover their own butts while the people under them suffer before of it.
  19. Oh no, asking a question like that might offend some of the people around here
  20. Well another basic is letting drop, pause, slowy raise it back up to the surface and let it drop again, repeat. Here's a good link http://www.bassresource.com/fish/plasticworms.html At the bottom left are more related links
  21. Because there's too many people that want the pie but don't want to work for it.
  22. There's hundreds of techniques, the one your talking is twitch/pause. What other ways were you trying?
  23. What gear are you using? A heavier rod, some braid, and a little tweeking of a frog (bend the hooks up slightly or legg trimming) might be the trick
  24. There are several goby bates on the market, just found a pack of SK's I'm going to use next Erie trip
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