The wife and I planned to hit up the Kaercher Creek Park out by the hamburg cabelas, then go see a finesse seminar with Iaconelli, then go back and fish the lake.
We get up to the lake and we're firing Shallow A's in and by the third cast my wife is hauling in this pickerel
4lb 2oz! Way to give more confidence in cranking, since she doesn't crank much!
After that she bagged 4 dinks (under 1lb) with me getting nothing :|
So we head out to cabelas and were scooping the rods out and she spots the last avid pearl out, turns it a bit and boom! 30% off, she now has a pearl 6'8"MXF what luck? lol
So we finally get upstairs to the conference room and for 2 hours get to watch Iaconelli talk about finesse. I have to say since us meeting him in person, puts a whole new prospective on how he is. Even showed him my wife's pickerel and he was impressed gotta love having a wife that fishes!
After cabelas we went back to the lake and my wife's trying out her new rod with her curado 50 and she's putting that thing to work already catching two bass, and me with one finally
Good times