I wish the formula was there but it isn't. The horrible pressure, overabundance of pickerel (they decimate the trout stock) and the birds of prey (hawks/eagles) population is soaring. Not to forget the keep everything people.
I keep dodging minsi for Kaercher since its turning into a dead sea, Kaercher is like minsi 5 years ago where if you put in the time/effort you can produce something. Minsi sucks bad enough where the reward isn't worth the journey, you would also think the bass would be use to the wind since it always windy but its another bust.
Dale, I forgot to tell you, after we left the lake to retreat to cabelas from the rain we went back around sunset and hit a couple decent bass on poppers, topwaters, and the shallow cranks.
Once I get back from the AR trip we'll comb through the other lake