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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. I would but they don't make them in my size
  2. looks real nice on the reader in line being scanned
  3. Checked out the maps around here, visited most of the lakes and got to say a bit disappointing for shore fishing. Perhaps if I was looking for bream and bluegill it would more productive, about everyone I've ran into doesn't bass fish. From the looks of it it's just a boat only way to fish.
  4. The Reuben alone sounds enticing I must find some bass down here somewhere though
  5. I wish the formula was there but it isn't. The horrible pressure, overabundance of pickerel (they decimate the trout stock) and the birds of prey (hawks/eagles) population is soaring. Not to forget the keep everything people. I keep dodging minsi for Kaercher since its turning into a dead sea, Kaercher is like minsi 5 years ago where if you put in the time/effort you can produce something. Minsi sucks bad enough where the reward isn't worth the journey, you would also think the bass would be use to the wind since it always windy but its another bust. Dale, I forgot to tell you, after we left the lake to retreat to cabelas from the rain we went back around sunset and hit a couple decent bass on poppers, topwaters, and the shallow cranks. Once I get back from the AR trip we'll comb through the other lake
  6. But doesn't the cumaras have more of a fast action though?
  7. Somewhere in the 3.5lb range
  8. Come on pus!
  9. Found the 7 day licence isn't bad, missing one day but it's good enough, now since you said that I'll have to bring my UL stuff
  10. Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Do you really want to find out?
  11. Depends on the price, if it's new retail is $129. For that price you should be able to find a leftover Stradic FI for $120
  12. I enjoy those pictures Here's one of my favorite
  13. That would put him over budget, the premiers are $110 but well worth it. I have a 6'6" Premier/Symetre 2500fj as my spinning setup and the rod is a prefect blend of strong backbone and soft enough tip for a multipurpose.
  14. I have plenty of time, wouldn't mind traveling out well past the city limits. I'll check out buffalo river while I'm down there.
  15. I've been up there and see the same thing, even over at gander mtn every charter is for walleye/perch. I did run into one local who's into bass and was nice guy about it, even was baitcasting. Said he frequents another forum for Erie fishing, nice guy.
  16. Most and I mean 95% of people I run into are collector fishermen. Catch and keep or anything that bites, they mainly go for the crappie/perch/bluegill to eat.
  17. Whatever, just tried to help, but you're know-all attitude doesn't like it. Didn't think you asking an insurance company with be so painful for you.
  18. To put it simply, It's the reason why insurance prices are so high, because they estimate the unknown future.
  19. As I said, depends on your agency. Last accident I was in (no-fault) my agency insisted on giving me every penny for my loss, which covered every little detail down to how many CDs got scratched, even asked (since it was leisure/sports car) if I generated any income or had an estimated loss without the vehicle, like car showsor events. It doesn't hurt to ask.
  20. It's a cool program, if it's setup right. My state is a bit odd on size and weight. I remember from hearing from old timers they use to hand out spiciest pins before they changed to the same single patch.
  21. Bet the climate and seasons have a result to it. Since we have hot summers and cold winters it will affect the overall growth in its lifetime, being porkers means they're eating good now, but come winter time I wouldn't doubt you'll see more thinning out.
  22. Call your insurance company and ask, there stipulations for ever loss, you have professional gear and a boat you use for tournaments. You are showing you are 'working' for an income in which you can't now since your equipment has been damaged, might even cover the cost to rent a boat/trailer. Depends how well your agency is.
  23. I prefer center texas rigging a finess (6") worm with a 3/0 ewg, over the wacky hooks. It works for me better but every situation is different
  24. Just remember to have that added to the claim.
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