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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. Use a spinning reel if you're so worried about brakes.
  2. AK, depends on the pond and who manages it. Grass carp can be an effective weed control, they could be sterile and their quantity could be estimated for the size of the water
  3. Usually brakes are set and forget, once you have the brake(s) dialed in all you need to adjust is the spool tension for the smaller variance of weights you'll throw. One thing people do is ignore the mag brake by setting it down and focus on the centrifugal brakes, if you have both.
  4. Since you said something so broad as a state, I'll suggest lake erie.
  5. Fight back, get in there and start body checking them!
  6. None. Go to the doctor.
  7. Jim when you say it like that is seems so primitive
  8. Good story to read, makes me feel like I was a apart of it. Congrats to your wife!
  9. Check the bps website http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CFPageC?storeId=10151&catalogId=10051&langId=-1&template=downloads.cfm&cmid=OLWALLPAPERS
  10. They're odd what have in stock, all the ones by me finally started carrying Crucials and Veritas, they didn't even have anything better than a Symetre or Cardinal 400 for a long time and now they have Smokes and CI4 2500's. Never a Saros. Weirdest thing is they had two Sahara 3000's pop up out of no where and were clearanced at $60 with 25% off on top..
  11. One would think that If lews is outselling shimano there would more info on this problem, a google search doesn't even provide any help.
  12. You know if you ask everyone that uses red hooks half will say bleeding effect and the other half will say their invisible...
  13. Glad I got out of that region when we did, even had our own heat wave advisory up here but it never happened
  14. I don't change them unless they are broke or rusting
  15. On a scale of more older people with disposable incomes, I can see the ED pills and hair for men commercials sponsering golf. The two words are synonymous, can't apple and orange it, both have competetion, form, technique, style, a right tool for the job deal. I'm not going to comment back about this, it must've taken you a long time to figure out something to type so witty for no reason. It is and I agree. Look at Dicks sporting goods, it started as a tackle shop and evolved into a cater to golf store with other sporting goods. Nearest dedicated (not talking shacks) stores, Golf galazy is a mere 5 minutes away, closest fishing dedicated store is about an hour. Promoting is odd enough, seems like everywhere I look it's like a cry to get people to fish. TakeMeFishing, charitys for getting kids to fish, pros urging others to get young people into fishing.
  16. Scrutch, you can say the same with bigger lakes, there's always guides advertising
  17. If you don't put yourself in the sitution of using a spinning setup then no you don't need to. You don't need to use every technique or run into a surrounding where it's optimal.
  18. Hell yeah, shoulda proposed on the boat
  19. I thought orange were for high visibility Being that bass fishing is more US oriented, you would think since our other sports are more of a US market and global interest wouldn't be a factor, look at football and baseball. Barely anyone outside the states doesn't like American football, even in the UK it hasn't taken off like they expected.
  20. Don't make it too complicated, just add butter
  21. I don't give an edge to any, both are very good knots.
  22. It's not strange, it's just a different feel, if you say the lightning rod is soft you will feel the blades more since it has less of an action. the premier is a stouter rod and won't be noodling with your bait like the lightning. it's not a bad thing but it'll help you concentrate more on a bite instead feeling the continuing blade spin. Once you tune into the rod the feel for things will be much better.
  23. Great reply, I know there's guys on here that play both sides of fence. As far as the season, I cant see that everywhere, never heard of ice golfing
  24. They actually make 1/0, 2/0, 3/0 sizes
  25. Why is golf better? They have a bigger national following, more stores, better advertising, more accessible magazines, their pros get paid much more, their pros are more known, they have their own tv channel which is almost everywhere. Am I missing something? I hear more about how people fish with their kids than how their 18 hole game was, even less about defending golf as a sport or even how boring it is. So where is the golf support? Why is it so much bigger than fishing? Is there a mentality of anyone can throw a zebco and be on fish compared to hitting a ball on a course?
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