On a scale of more older people with disposable incomes, I can see the ED pills and hair for men commercials sponsering golf.
The two words are synonymous, can't apple and orange it, both have competetion, form, technique, style, a right tool for the job deal.
I'm not going to comment back about this, it must've taken you a long time to figure out something to type so witty for no reason.
It is and I agree. Look at Dicks sporting goods, it started as a tackle shop and evolved into a cater to golf store with other sporting goods.
Nearest dedicated (not talking shacks) stores, Golf galazy is a mere 5 minutes away, closest fishing dedicated store is about an hour.
Promoting is odd enough, seems like everywhere I look it's like a cry to get people to fish. TakeMeFishing, charitys for getting kids to fish, pros urging others to get young people into fishing.