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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. Sounds like an invited showcase to me
  2. They eating the snakeheads too?
  3. That's better than a loaded bama rig
  4. Depends where you catch it from, clean river bass taste good.
  5. When on clearance
  6. I think the common misconception of frogs is when you see a lillypad you think frog, I bet cartoons back in the good old days implant that when you see either of them.
  7. I'm sure we can talk about how corrupt the medical field is all day, but we need to get back on topic
  8. Just cause its illegal now doesn't stop them from still doing it.
  9. Only thing you should be buying from vietnam is levi's
  10. $20 off the retail price, doesn't seem like that big of a deal. Now if it was used I'd rather get a GLX for $25 more.
  11. Welcome aboard, it's great you can share it with the kids.
  12. I just use my 7' avid M (8lb line), sometimes the MH when I want to feel unorthodox
  13. Not really a problem for the rod, depending on the reel size you won't be able to put as much line on.
  14. Same here, minus a couple of decades
  15. Welcome aboard! Having a boat is a given to get good fish at beltzville.
  16. Use 50-65lb braid with a MH or H rod
  17. Welcome aboard
  18. Welcome to the forum, nice catch
  19. Besides the crankbaits, those lures will be fine long as you are in or around the weight raiting for the rod.
  20. If I was closer, I'm sure my wife can find those double digits!
  21. Doesn't seem 'Epic' at all.
  22. You got me, this their answer "Perhaps most significant is the multistop antireverse. This feature gives anglers the ability to stop the reel at just the right spot when a fish bites. This is especially useful for crankbait fishing." I don't get it either. Doesn't the bass stop the reel during a strike..
  23. I bought one for my wife, for the first week she didn't use it and kept telling me to have it. I finally got her to use it and now there's no way it'll ever be mine.
  24. Find it odd that some prefer a moderate action..
  25. I've never used a Powell rod, but I can say the st croix LT's are very proven. Far as 'technique' branding goes, it's more of a marketing ploy and doesn't mean you need one for every lure. If your interested in the previous LT model, st croix bargin bin has the 7' MH for a good price http://www.stcroixrods.com/shop/products/Legend_Tournament_Bass_Casting_Rod_LTBC70MHF-329-23.html They do run a bit heavier but it's not like one raiting higher, just a bit above the raiting.
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