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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. Their topwater is also 6'8"
  2. If I had a reason then I would, I don't play with the contests and records though so I don't. It's common sense that if you want to break records you would know the requirements.
  3. I don't see poor, I see someone who didn't follow rules. Hell of a way to be shown he was wrong.
  4. I really think it would match an imperial stormtrooper's blaster rifle
  5. I have one Avid MHM that covers almost everything I throw, from shallow to lipless to deep. I seldom think about buying more but how versatile the rod is I don't really need more.
  6. Say what you want. It was built for kids, just because adults take over a posting site which was designed to keep friends up to date on your beer pong score does not make it an adult site, it's for kids.
  7. I'm not a kid so I don't use Facebook.
  8. Daddyodo, Baby steps. You have to build up your tolerance and push yourself to expand your comfort/control level. Too much to list.
  9. Keep It Simple, Stupid. Sometimes the easys just work
  10. Aren't they all dead seas around here
  11. Very nice catch, on UL to boot! Sun, in this area it looks like its just under 5lb.
  12. The common occurrence of tips snapping from 'popping' free is the line getting wrapped around it, which is what I would venture to guess what happened. I beat on st croix SCII rods a lot and never had that problem
  13. They're in the Delaware, what you can do is walk along the shore and slowly move rocks out of the way that are in the water, you'll probably find some scurrying away
  14. They must be blocks http://fishandboat.com/faqregt.htm#12 "12. How do I display the boat registration number? The numbers and letters must: Be painted or permanently attached to each side of the boat's forward half. Read from left to right. Be bold, block letters and numbers, at least 3 inches high, and be a contrasting color to the background. Be separated by a dash or space equal to the width of any letter or number except "I" or "1." The validation decal must be displayed within 6 inches of the number (before or following) on the same level....view instructions for applying decals. Note: The Commission does not supply the actual letters and numbers. The owner is responsible for purchasing and displaying the registration number. Hardware stores and boat dealers, for example, sell these kinds of letters and numbers. Back to top"
  15. The reason is, black to the buyer doesn't look appealing to purchase, so they make a million flashy colors so you buy more.
  16. I wonder who's the Aquaman of the forum then?
  17. I'd like to see something more compairable than GP, like celebrities or at least people in the same tax bracket
  18. Well, the majority of moderators on all forums are big D's, so it's common to have that mindset when you walk into a new forum such as this one and it's not the case.
  19. Yardage is the common calculation for spool line so it's a given to use the higher increment for measurement
  20. James, the only way to accuratey measure your distance is to go to a sports field with your gear and tie on a lead weight and cast out, put your rod down and check with your feet or a tape measure. A football field with lines drawn already would be best.
  21. I have a very inconsistent sleep schedule, at times I can sleep 23hours and sometimes it's less than two.
  22. Put some big reflective tap on the back so no one runs into this one.
  23. I use two combos, the one in my sig I use for just about everything, and a 7' MHM avid crankbait rod for every crankbait I have except the tiny ones.
  24. Even the typical jobs nowadays have 'good behavior' clauses outside of work.
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